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Jan. 22nd, 2014


[LVPD Lock]

So we've reached a new level of clusterfuck.

Henry, you've been here the longest. What's your read on these people? Considering they all apparently have these damn journals.


[Luke H/Evie S]

Hey Luke, how are you?

Jan. 21st, 2014


locked to luke h.

I just want you to know that I am not prepared to make things awkward or difficult. You do not even need to respond to this, it is entirely an attempt at reassurance, not coorespondance unless you wanted to I just wanted to put you at ease in case Wren has already told you that I have returned. [...] I was informed that you two were married. Congratulations seem in order.

That is all. Thank you for reading.

Jan. 20th, 2014


jack c.

[locked to jack c.]

Hey. [...] I know you're busy and you've got a lot on your plate and I'm not even sure if I should be contacting you?, but I was [...] wondering if you had a minute. [...] Or two.

Jan. 19th, 2014



Is anyone still here?

Jan. 18th, 2014


LVPD lock, Iris M

[After this. (She only knows of Luke and Matt being around here, but the lock is generic enough than any PO can see it.)]

The young woman in the news, Samantha Alexander, she has a journal. Much of her kin too, Alexanders and Donovans. The Murphys, the family with whom this purported feud is ongoing, they do too. Things written here are inadmissible as evidence, of course, but there are entries upon entries of public threats against Samantha and her family archived for perusal. Is there a way to construe them as some sort of forum?

The alleged suspect, Iris Morgenstern, has no alibi, but I believe she was at the hotel at the time of the shooting. I'm going to reach out to her here, where it cannot be tracked to find out.

We need a way to make sense of this.

ETA: [Locked to Iris M]
Hello, Ms. Morgenstern. I'm Lieutenant Jennifer Simms of the LVPD. This is off the record, completely, but I'd like to ask you some questions about your sister's shooting.

Jan. 16th, 2014


Public, Dylan M, Luke H, Joey A

I thought the morning shift was clear of drunks. They just want to sleep more.

[Dylan M]

You can't be dead. Max isn't.

[Luke H]

Max told me.

[Joey A]

How are the baked goods?


[as Cassie S]

[DC Door: JL + Allies]
Wonder Girl reporting in.

[Tim D]

[Diana P]


Why don't Clark & Kara know who I am??

[Bruce W]
I heard. I know you've heard the "I'm sorry" thing all over the place, so I'm not going to add to that. So instead I'm just going to say that I know what it's like to lose someone, and if you need to punch something, I can hold a bad guy or a bag or some bricks or anything up for you.

Jan. 15th, 2014


tony s.

[locked to tony s.]

[No preamble.] What's going on with Selina?


Luke H

[Call to Luke H]

[She tries to guesstimate his lunch break. Ring.]


So. The burning question: is there wifi in heaven?

I believe I’m supposed to be in touch once I’m here in town. Thomas said you’d be expecting me.

Dailey, checking in. I believe you’re expecting me.

I heard that you've both grown up but surely that's not right.


[Private to Iris]

Gotham's a real pain in the neck, right? Sorry about the neck.

[Private to Luke H]

Talked to Selina. Didn't get much out of her. When she's through the door, she's barely in Gotham. She said she was stealing from someone with more money than the pope and they fired some weird new laser gun at her. Your lady's pain should be dying down pretty soon.

[Private to Harley Q]

Still here?

Jan. 14th, 2014


[Batfam and Wondy]

Kara is with me, she is safe. We're processing next steps.

I am truly truly sorry for what transpired and that I could not get to her sooner. Anything I can do to help rectify the damage that was done, you know I will.

[Bruce W/Clark K]

I'm going to be spending some time at Sanctuary - not my favorite location - but I think it is best just for the time being. We're going to be working on some alternative methods of stress relief.

Bruce, I am truthfully sorry for what happened in your city, you are my best friend - and I respect you. If you need us to leave, please feel free to be honest.

[Diana P]

Kara is with me.

Jan. 13th, 2014



[Justice League+Ollie]
[During this.]

Bruce, I heard about your kid Damian?. I'm not going to pretend to be good at this I'm sorry, man. I think I can speak for all of us when I say we're here for you. Let us know if there's something we can do for you, all right?

Jan. 12th, 2014


[Locked - Bruce W]

I doubt you know, I doubt you're paying attention - but in case anyone accidentally mentions it to you before I get back through the door. I'm not dead, which means Dick isn't MIA or dead, but please don't tell anyone that I'm not actually dead because that could be very bad. And if you can manage it - try not to let your guy on the other side of the door know either, probably him/her most urgently of all because then I'm completely screwed. I don't know if you have a compartment for that but Dick does - so maybe you do too.

But I figure you and yours have been through enough lately that even a false inkling for however brief a time that you might not see Dick again, would do no one any good.

All is quiet on the Vegas front, I'll get back through the door just as soon as I can.


[locks to: luke h, charlie g]

[luke h]


[charlie g]

[...] I don't know if you heard, but if you see a story that says I died this week, it isn't true.


[Locked to DC Door, after this]

By the gods, what was that? Do we have a new foe in town? [Naturally assuming it couldn't be one of their own.]

[Locked to Kara]

Kara, please stop whatever you are doing.

Jan. 10th, 2014


Call to Luke H


Jan. 9th, 2014


[Call to Wren H. After she's seen the news]


[Text to Luke H just in case]

Are you watching the news????


wren h., eddie n.

[locked to eddie n.]

Got a minute? It's about Selina.

[call to wren h.]

[The news hits while he's at work, and he calls as soon as he can get away. Somewhere private, from the Waynetech cell. Ring.]

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