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Jun. 1st, 2013


Free for dinner this week?
Hey. Busy tomorrow? Was thinking lunch or something.
Coworker just caught the microwave on fire trying to make popcorn. Finally, someone who cooks worse than I do (am I smug or awed or a little terrified? I just don't know).


[Toby F, Ford C]

[Locked to October F]
Son, don't make a fuss with the hospital on account of me being gone.

[Locked to Ford C]
Thank your boy for me?

May. 28th, 2013


[Blake T]

hey. you. I got a car in the garage that don't belong to me or I got 20 thou that don't. pick.

[Ford C]

you in jail yet?

[Sam A]

so where the hell you at now you ain't parked on the fucking couch at the garage playing fucking opera?


it really works, that whole 'tell me your sex stories' shit? people are fucking idiots.

game's going, 1K buy in. gotta play worth a damn but we got room for a couple more.

May. 24th, 2013


[march h]

i shouldn't i fucking

Hey. Still alive?

[ford c]

I had a weird fucking dream with you in it and I think it means we should definitely fuck sometime. I know you already said no but I'm just throwing it out there again.


I'm bored. Most embarrassing sex story, go. And don't tell me you threw up on some guy, everybody's heard that one. Dig deep, people.

May. 21st, 2013


next person who asks me for a discount for their shit-show on wheels, I'm going to shove their teeth down their fucking throat. if it ain't interesting to work on, you ain't getting no discount.


Sam W., Dean W., Public

[Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester]

I think I've got something more figured out from this. You guys available? I'll try not to break my brain about thinking about being from different times and stuff.


So how do you guys deal with people being from different times in your worlds? It's a bit weird and I think sometimes I'm hurting my brain trying to figure it out.

May. 20th, 2013


[Ford C]

[Locked to Ford C]
[Hopped up on meds.] u got to do me a favor son.


[She has made a veritable life's practice of noninterference, of letting people do what they do as long as they leave her out of it unless she wants in, of making so few demands and investments that it is odd to have one fail to make a return--not because of blithe expectation but merely because of logic, because of cause leading to effect, because of weight applied to precision points operating as any fulcrum does. She doesn't see much of Ford--less than she does of most people, really. She didn't have any right to expect an answer to her question, automatic and instinctive regurgitation of truth when prompted--but she did. She knew it was absurd, so she refused to dwell on it or pursue it or be angered by it--and so it festered, circled around in her head like a dog unable to find just the right spot on his favorite old blanket, drove Eames vaguely mad with its sideways insinuations into every little thing, drove her even more mad with its refusal to give up and die away into the gray blankness she had liked to imagine her aura being, once upon a time years ago when she was sixteen and barefoot, sprawled on a trailer floor and listening to lady talk (more like watching her mouth move, but technicalities) about what all the colors meant while they passed a hand-rolled cigarette back and forth.

That runaway collection of absurdity, that weird blend of nostalgia and disgust and weird bruised anger, was why Lex was already en route to working her way through a bottle of Southern Comfort at 2:30 on a Monday. Her kitchen table was covered with paper--lazy drawlings, Eames' scrawl and her neater handwriting intermixing amongst the half-intoxicated piecemeal artwork of two minds rendered up by one set of neat, quick fingers. She was drunk enough not to notice when she pulled the wrong notebook closer and flipped it open, drunk enough to start scrawling a picture of a woman she'd seen but not met last time they went through Eames' door, a forge that he had offered up as a laughing example in response to one or another of her vaguely, politely off-color queries. Eames drew things out of her that the Southern Comfort didn't: proper grammar and laughter, as she let him take the left hand and kept working with the right. It was a weird slice of nothing that they sketched out, pencils jarring the paper oddly with both hands occupied, nothing but the bottle to hold it steady. No, she scrawled indignantly when he dared to sketch an illustration of the very metaphor she'd snorted at herself for making, a dog scratching restlessly at fleas, motion writ in every line of his unmoving form. Sly innocence: nooooo? No. The full stop hard and decided, as if she'd dug the pencil in violently enough to bruise the paper.]

May. 19th, 2013


[Ford C]

[Locked to Ford C]

How are you doing?

May. 15th, 2013


what the fuck was that.

May. 12th, 2013



Hey I [...] owe a lot of people apologies so. Sorry. To a lot of people.

May. 8th, 2013



I've never quite understood some of the phrases that you humans use. Such as 'pain in the ass'. Is the person literally being a pain in your ass? Perhaps kicking it, or even biting it? No? Then might it be simpler and easy to understand if you said precisely how you feel instead of using these complicated turns of phrase?

This is why I believe you humans have problems communicating. If you spoke more literally, there would be less confusion, and perhaps, less problems.

In other news, can anyone explain to me why the birds are angry? And why the pigs are taking their homes? I do not understand this game.

May. 6th, 2013


[Sam W, Eddie N]

[Locked to Sam W]
Things are bad, Sam.

[Locked to Eddie N]
I cannot find any of the other girls, Eddie. It is too loud for me.

May. 4th, 2013


Yep. Left unlocked.

March. whichever one of you fuckers is March.

May. 2nd, 2013



So what did you do with all your cash, Asshole?


[Sam Winchester]

Making up your own punchlines? What's all that about??

Still debating if I should make myself known to Dean yet.

May. 1st, 2013


sam w., castiel

[locked to sam w.]

Making up your own punchlines, huh?

[locked to castiel.]

You still around?

Apr. 29th, 2013



If I say I'm bored will I also get entertainment gift baskets?

[And pause.]

Listen. Um... I forget what name you're using right now. But John's son, you know who you are. Your brother is in here starting to make up his own punchlines and you might need to call and say what's up. If you have ten seconds.

Apr. 26th, 2013


Sam A, Ford C

Text: Sam A

your big fucking brother wants to ban me from thinking about you. and it ain't even dirty.

Ford C

you. kicking any more cars recently?

Apr. 25th, 2013


Public, Sam W


Giant balls of twine are not interesting.

[Sam W.]

I am in Kansas.

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