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Dec. 7th, 2012


All this talk of gunfire, I'm practically homesick. I thought that side of the Door was incredibly dull.

There wouldn't be any especially good museums, where you all are?

Dec. 3rd, 2012


A few days after this

At around eleven thirty pm. Not late enough to be especially bothersome but loud. Loud enough for the windows - and the front door - to have been open )

Dec. 1st, 2012



[as daniel c.]

You people are unbelievable.

You're in a situation that actually allows you to move from your boring as shit world into literal other universes, half of them probably with technology that hasn't been invented yet, with zero difficulty. There are endless fucking opportunities presented to you here. Incredible ones. Ones that at least 90% of the entire planet would give their metaphorical or not left nut to get their hands on. Whole other worlds. The people I work for would sell out the entire company just to get a taste of it.

And what are you doing with it?

Pissing and moaning and probably flirting with each other over these things and living your stupid pointless asinine lives and kicking your own asses so hard you actually refuse to go to a hospital because it'd be too embarrassing or some shit and all that jumps right to me which means I have to get this fixed myself, you dickhead and basically, anything that isn't running into that hotel and through those doors and locking them behind you like you should be.

I hope your fucking sun goes out.

Nov. 30th, 2012



Home sweet fucking home. Fuck I missed NY.


peter g., winnie o., public

[fangirl email to peter g.]

so i saw that show the other day where you went into that asylum and i cant BELIEEEEEEEEEVE that story about the nurseghost. the one who killed her patients and is still there to this day oOoOoOOOoooOOOOOoo SO CRAZY!!!!


[locked to winnie o.]

so i think mom wants us to do christmas cards this year :[


i keep having dreams about some weird blue box that flies am i going crazy

Nov. 27th, 2012


Call to Chessie M.

[One wonders how much security can be bribed to give a name and number. Ring.]

Nov. 24th, 2012


Friday: early hours

Played at around one Friday morning )

[She sleeps through Thanksgiving, through families and food, through football and the time most would be sleepy-satiate and then she wakes, and the sound is very large and loud inside her still-mostly empty apartment]

Nov. 20th, 2012


phone call: chess

(It doesn’t take a genius to find her office number from the email address she gave him.)

Ring, ring.

Nov. 12th, 2012


[Text to Winnie]

Reinforcements needed. Drinking commencing.


Have you ever made a mistake? A big one. A true one. Not 'I wrote in a library book'.

Nov. 10th, 2012



[Handwriting with a distinct lean. The book is off kilter, he's drunk, or both.]

Lost a damn pawn.


I liked it better when the door was the break from the madness and not actually the madness.

Nov. 4th, 2012


[Public. As "The Doctor."]

[Large, looping, cheerful writing.]

Do you realize that she bought a hat?


On a scale of 1-10, it's totally responsible to celebrate a new job by drinking the night before, right?

I need compadres, amigos. Partners. Winnie? There's a bar with sombreros. You're a sombrero type of girl.


I got a lovely promotion to customer. Fuck.

Anyone got a line on any jobs? Doesn't matter what it is.

Nov. 2nd, 2012



There's a little concert I'm doing to benefit a charity next week. Just kind of an acoustic thing, no crazy rave dancing. It's short, too, only an hour.

I've got four tickets they're letting me sell so I figure I'd ask on here. They're $500 $300 a piece.

[...] Let me know if you're interested.

Oct. 29th, 2012


So just to be absolutely and positively clear: no one without one of these things can access these posts, right?

Oct. 25th, 2012


Voicemails left for Jack R. )


Okay, I'm officially creeped out. You win, Johnson. I understand elaborate pranks are kind of your thing, but this is bordering on psychotic. I mean, this journal is so detailed and geeky. I don't even know how you got this voice shit working. [...] If I find some kind of speaker on my bra, I'm notifying superiors.

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