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Oct. 15th, 2013


[Video call to Pepper Potts.]

[While at work in the lab, clearly visible behind a glass counter. He's cleaned the blood off his face.]


Oct. 11th, 2013


[Alexander M, Dolores C, Public]

[On the heels of this announcement.]

It's like Christmas came a little early. That combined with my guest lecture at UNLV being extended into a series, it's been a good handful of weeks.

[Group lock to Alexander M & Dolores C]

Mother and Father have come through again, it seems. I may be moving, and I'm sure both of you are welcome to as well. Alexander, you are allowed to live somewhere that isn't old and decrepit, if you please.


thought putting her through nights would settle her the fuck down. instead she has a fucking shit-fit. whoever the fuck has Tony, fuck you. and the other assistant, she can take a fucking turn, MK, MJ, M what the fuck ever.


hospital set you right?


in case he ain't talking to me, the hospital didn't say nothing about Ford, right?


so how much?


seen your name floating round. that mean you're straight again?

Oct. 10th, 2013



[Mad] What did you do?

[MJ Watson]

We need to talk.



[After this.]

Does anyone know what happened at Stark Tower?

Sep. 30th, 2013


[Pepper P.]

[Tony calling. RING! It's probably about 2 :00 AM. RING! RING!]


think all that sand got shoved up boss-lady's ass. she's mad as a fucking hornet's nest and bitchier than fucking Pepper.

Sep. 24th, 2013


dolores c., public

[call to Showgirl Video, in the evening. he asks for 'Blue' about five times before sufficiently annoying the girl on the other end, whereupon he relents and asks for Dolores instead. Thanks, doll.]



We all made it out of sandstorm hell alive, right? Right. So, let's celebrate. Party at my place, bitches.

Sep. 20th, 2013



Spending any time at all the other side of the door is like participating in a dreadful soap opera.

[MJ Watson]

[...] Was it you who picked up Mr Stark's dry-cleaning?

Sep. 18th, 2013


[public, as Belle]

[After some watching and reading (with difficulty; what are these letters?). The penmanship is terrible. She has read many letters, but only ever written them before with sticks in dirt. This ink and quill are new and unwieldy. Ink splatters, as she has not yet mastered volume, and letters appear slowly, painstakingly.]

I am searching for the creator of these enchanted books.

Sep. 17th, 2013


[Public - posted from Nathan R]

This is [...] different.



Yes, the words 'magic' and witchcraft' are included the name of the course. No, this does not mean I'll be teaching spells of any kind during or after class, nor will prior knowledge of Harry Potter benefit you in any way.

It should be noted that this is a fourth year course. This morning I wept into my coffee for the future of humanity.

Sep. 15th, 2013



[As "Iron Man"]

I'd like a key to the Bat's door.


Sep. 6th, 2013


public, as Bruce B

[After the Hulk, freaked out from the transition through the Door, takes him on a spree outside the city, far enough removed to cause damage only to natural structures. On an already shattered screen, he types.]

Déjà vu can be a very unpleasant experience.

Sep. 5th, 2013


[Russell C.]

[Extremely early morning, crack of dawn. Rushed ink.]

Russell. Russell help!

Aug. 30th, 2013


been stretched at work for fucking days. Boss hires some new kid, can't grow a fucking beard, good with his fucking hands, she says. looks like he fell off the back of some truck, turns out it's her sister's kid and he don't know shit about fucking engines, can't tell a chassis from a fucking carburetor. so now we're fucking stretched and there's someone who ain't hit puberty wandering around the fucking place getting paid to scratch his ass.

anyone planning on putting any of that hexing a door shit on the door I gotta walk through can fucking stop before they start.

Aug. 28th, 2013



What the hell am I supposed to do with this?

Aug. 17th, 2013


March H )

want to make it real clear, real far. any of you with a fucking headcase leaves any more marks on Ford, we're going to have a real big problem.



Slight raging fire in the lab. No need to panic.

What day is it? It must be a party day. All work and no play...

Aug. 15th, 2013


[Sam A]

[After news reports, and journals]

so you left your shit down the back of the couch. Miguel had his lady drop by, nearly fucking broke it. cd, some fucker named Puccini? what the fuck Sam are they all Italian?

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