March 2014




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Mar. 25th, 2013



I've had enough of job interviews for the moment. I've been in Vegas way too long not to know where the most fun places are. I need some suggestions on what to do to entertain myself. I learn best by example, so it'd be better if you just told me what you yourself like to do around here.

Perhaps with pictures or smoke signals or bursting into song. Actually, no smoke signals. Where there's smoke, there's fire and I'm not explaining to your insurance company that you set your place ablaze trying to send me a smoke signal when the internet exists. They won't pay out, dudes. It's not worth it.

So, anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

Mar. 15th, 2013



There is nothing more boring than the Mundane world.

Mar. 13th, 2013


Public ramblings

Best. Boyfriend. Ever.

I am lucky. LUCKY! I don't know how that happened, but I am off to travel, and he won't tell me other than I need a passport, which is possibly the coolest thing ever. I need to pack, finish expediting the passport, which means they need to hurry the fuck up. We have a plane to catch. For real. How is this real, says the guy who was just stuck in New York and Middle Earth, which was pretty cool.

Seriously, I'm renouncing my solo club days. I'm keeping my guitars, like always, but no need to get ripped every night. I mean, a little peyote is sweet. Combine it with a bottle of something, and we have a party.

I do need a passport, and a camera, and did anyone know digging for things is really cool?

I'm done babbling now. Did everyone survive the whole door switch thing?

Mar. 12th, 2013


Text to Cael:



It turns out time travelers, they are not so fond of pianos as I am.

[Wren H]

Are you upset? You were upset.

[Daniel W]

Was this time better than last time? Or worse?

[Later] [Sunny]

Thank you for the box. It was important, I think. I remember thinking, at the time, anyway. Are you all right, now we're all back?

[Edited to add]


Are you all right? Wren said she didn't know.

Mar. 8th, 2013



Goodbye Ren Faire land and bad acid trip. Hello home. Thank fuck.


[march h, andrew p] [public]

[march h]

Hey there. How's the brain?

[andrew p]

You slide on over alright?


Christ yes. This calls for a celebration. I'm renting out the Opium Room at Tao. Lots of booze, bring your friends. If nothing gets broken, no one got trashed enough.

Mar. 6th, 2013



I fucking hate everything. This has been the worst couple of fucking weeks in recent fucking memory. Everyone having a good time can go fuck themselves.


Feb. 25th, 2013


[Marvel Kids +, as Gwen S]

[Marvel Kids (and their counterparts)]
Is everyone relatively okay?

Feb. 22nd, 2013


Hastily sprawled out between drops of tea stains in the journal, as though the author was scrambling to get the words down.



[Public, as Sam A]

[After this, intended to be locked to Mary Jane W., Flash T. and Peter P., but she "mistakenly" makes it public instead, though she does exclude Harry/Elise, as instructed.]

[Public, but not visible by Elise D. or Harry O.]
Hey, Flash, MJ and Spidey, Neil Norman Osborn's person says to let you guys know that he's going to destroy the city, and then he's going to kill you all after a bunch of days and weeks, either here or in Vegas. Spidey goes last.

Feb. 18th, 2013


Frodo: [Public]

It is like Hobbiton, and Gondor, and Gandalf's fireworks all rolled into one.
Only the buildings are taller than I am comfortable with.


Does anyone want to trade breeks?
I am tired of walking on/out of these.


Public as Madrox

Skinny jeans, ripped stuff, T-shirts. This place could use a good cleaning. I don't think it's been slept in for weeks, and this bank account is a joke. I need to go find the other place where the better clothes are hiding at least.

I also have a little problem, or maybe not. I can touch things. Kinetic energy doesn't work. I've never been normal.



Feb. 16th, 2013


Phone call to Beth W

(Cael makes a rare trip back to his studio to get dressed for work. For a minute, he stretches across his bed with feet on the wall above his pillows and picks up the phone.)


Feb. 15th, 2013


Public: ...OOOPS Scattering of doodled images..

[Amongst a journal entry that displays flowers and several leafs of a similar style, can barely be discerned a few words written and scattered in between doodled whorls and vines]

‘West is the spirit of water. It is the direction from which darkness comes.
It is the power of change, the place of dreams, introspection and the unknown.
The west signifies purity and strength.'
o´❀¸(░) `O.¸¸.¸.o´❀'Alfirin?' flower ❁⚘~❀~~❁~~♫♫ ¯`❄.¸(░) `O.❄。¨¯`*✲ ´*。.❄¨¯`*✲⚘❁❀ 'Mallorn' leaf 。❄*´*。✲O.¸¸.¸.o´❁⚘~~~❁⚘❁⚘⚘'Eres Sea?'¯`o.¸(░)`O.¸¸.✲.♫♫♪¸.o´¯`¸.o´¯`❄¸(░)Mae govannen? = greeting?❁⚘~~~❁⚘❁⚘ `O.¸¸.¸.✲´¯`o.¸(░) `O.¸❄。`O.¸¸.¸.o´¯`❄。¨¯`*.Read Beowolf....¸.o´♫♫♪¯`o.¸(░)`O.¸¸.¸.o´¯`❄.¸(░)´*。✲´*。.❄¨¯`*✲。Jack/Aragorn?.¸❄。`O.¸¸.¸.o´¯♫♫♪`❄。¨¯`*....¸.o´¯`o 4x4 Rental/Malcolm

And yes, Chay is still trying to figure this journal thing out


Happy Friday, I hope everyone had a productive Valentine's day, and that you don't beat me to the store for the half price candy today. Did everyone get lucky at least? Even if it was break up sex/hate sex/make up sex/make a baby sex/cheating sex etc etc etc...I hope everyone had some of it.

I know not everyone can access the internet from their journals, and some of you are in space, and some of you are in dinosaur times but for those of you who get a chance - Straight people.

Feb. 10th, 2013


Justine, Public

[Locked to Justine]

Hey, how are you holding up?


What do you do when there's nothing you want to do? They ask us that question when we're kids, what do you want to do when you grow up? I never had an answer for them. Now I have even less of one. [...]

What the hell am I watching from Netflix?

Netflix beats late night TV, until you realize that you received is not for you. What is this?

Feb. 9th, 2013


March H, Chessie M, Caellum M

[Locked to March and Chessie]

How about that little instrumental gathering? Say yes.



Seriously done with the fucking bleedover thing. If someone doesn't get this bitch back to that castle stat, I will cut someone. I'll do it. All this leaky feeling shit has me cranky, don't test me.

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