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Aug. 12th, 2013



[After reading the journals for a number of days, seeing the varied responses and gauging his own first entry. The handwriting is tall and narrow with a heavy line in black ink.]

How long did it take for everyone to be assured that all of this wasn't simply something they were imagining or hallucinating?

[There's a pattern of lines and boxes, idle doodling as he thinks.]

It's strange writing to a piece of parchment and expecting a response. I keep pinching myself, but nothing's happened.

Aug. 7th, 2013



[Without really expecting much to come of it.]

And for my next trick, I'll make a bloodthirsty sociopath appear in my head.

The encore will be a vanishing act involving a nuthouse.

May. 3rd, 2013


So about how long do y'all spend through the door? How y'all manage jobs and life things with someone else's life going on?

Mar. 30th, 2013


[Eddie N, Joker]

A few days after this: [Eddie N]
Vivacious. Right?

Mr. J?

Mar. 8th, 2013


fuck trees, fuck dead shit, fuck the woods.

missed a game. out ten thou because robin fucking hood wanted to donate.

Mar. 4th, 2013


public, as batgirl.

so i reckon this whole superhero thing is turning into a real lucrative business. why don't y'all do this more often? people are clamoring for me to help. for the right price of course.

[locked to breeze]

i think i might let the cat out of the bag. daddy bats is being frowny over text.

Mar. 3rd, 2013


[wren m, public]

[wren m]

You're safe?


I thought Bruce Wayne was supposed to be a billionaire. Yet this place has all the cheer of a haunted house.

Feb. 18th, 2013



[As The Joker]

looks like i'm no longer the only one embracing madness. validation at last.

so, everybody tell me what you think. is gotham better/worse off in our sticky hands, or just as doomed?

[Blotches, where he has violently scribbled out a sentence until it is illegible.]

ps. is there an other-bat in the house? so many questions.

Feb. 4th, 2013


[Public (anonymously), with locks to Winnie O and Dylan M]

[Winnie O]

How are you? I should have checked sooner but Olive I know I haven't been in the precinct in a while.

[Dylan M]

Still around?

[Public, anonymously]

Is there any way to stop the people on the other side from being an [...] influence?

Jan. 27th, 2013


[Locked to Jason Todd]

[After this news breaks.]

Who are you trying to impress, sonny boy?

Jan. 12th, 2013


Joker, Scarecrow, Catwoman, Batman, Oracle

[The morning after this, while he is en route to a different country.]

[Individually locked to Joker and Scarecrow]
[After much consideration...]

I'd avoid Gotham for the next few weeks.

[Delivery to Catwoman]

[The Nightwing suit. It is in a plain, non-descript box with a note that reads:]
Your help was much appreciated, Ms Cat.

[Locked to Batman/Bruce Wayne]

While I don't approve of his methods, the Clown is effective.

[Locked to Oracle]

Where's your father?

Jan. 11th, 2013


[Private to Jonah]

Busy? Eddie's letting me have some time to myself before everything goes to hell.

[Private to Tim D]

I'm sorry about the other day, okay?


Joker, Jason Todd

[Delivery for the Joker]

[On Friday afternoon, four barrels of gasoline and a single matchbook are delivered to the Joker. There is no note, but Ra's is sure that one isn't needed. He doesn't leave any directions, but he's counting on the Joker's nature to take care of that.]

[Locked to Jason Todd]

How are you enjoying your return to life?

Jan. 3rd, 2013


[ public ]

[penmanship like an accident at disneyland; a charming, cartoon mistake. ]

- eggs
- avocado
- guacamole
- carrots
- almonds
- snackimals (vanilla)

change car insurance
haunted history tour?

Dec. 12th, 2012


Locked to the Joker

Clown. I know you're here.

Dec. 1st, 2012


[as Jonah K]

what does it mean when a pretty little thing goes bye-bye, and nobody even cares?

Nov. 15th, 2012



What does it mean when the man in your head goes from Chatty Cathy mode to quietly muttering and hiding his thoughts from you?

I think it means he's planning something. And that... that is never good.

Oct. 25th, 2012


[Public as Joker]

Looking for a murderous mistress from the shindig. Knife-happy only need apply.

Oct. 8th, 2012


[Public as Jonah K]

[Written in a sloppy scrawl, with blotches of purple ink all over the page. After going nearly three days without sleep, he couldn't say if he's entirely in control.]

Dirty work makes for dirty hands. Sick of dirt, and blood, and the taste of metal.

god save me I love her [This is crossed out several times.]

I'm so tired.

Oct. 7th, 2012




Seriously, green man?
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