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Oct. 31st, 2013


[Bruce W, Helena W, Jason T]

[Locked to Bruce W]
Your littlest bird is talking about running away from home and taking over the League of Assassins. You might want to look into that.

[Locked to Helena W]
[After much internal debate.] Better than last time, kitten?

[Locked to Jason T]
Do the kitty cat a favor, Jaybird?

Oct. 30th, 2013


[After much deliberation and almost not posting at all.]

The elevators.

You had blue hair and tattoos.

Oct. 29th, 2013


public as diana p


To the young girl with the very long blond hair, I apologize.

[Locked to DC]

By the Gods, that was unacceptable. Is there nothing we can do?

Oct. 15th, 2013


Bruce W

[Locked to Bruce]



[Gray d L, Wren H, Luke H, Maddie Kate R, Nell M]

[Gray d L]

I'm heading back to Italy for a time. I'd rather recoup around family, even if I was horrible to them, than here in the city. I will be back eventually. Do keep in touch.

[Group lock to Wren & Luke]

To both of you, thank you. Especially to you, Luke, for helping me recently. I'm heading back home for a time since I was released from the hospital. But I'll be back eventually. I enjoy the states entirely too much to stay gone for long.

[Locked to Maddie Kate]

Thank you for giving an enemy a place to stay when he needed it most. I can't tell you how much it meant to me, particularly with the bad blood between us.

I'm heading back to Italy at the end of the week. If you ever feel the need to get away, my home is always open to you.

[Locked to Nell M]

I'm sorry for everything. I'll always love you, Nell. I don't think anyone will make me feel like you did. I wish you nothing but the best and I wish I could have been that for you.


[After this.]

Are we making an effort to bring notice to our poor decision making skills?

Oct. 12th, 2013



[Public, as Diana P]

I am told many of my allies are here, and I may greet them in this way. I am Diana of Themyscira.

Oct. 8th, 2013



[As Molly W]

This is quite novel. Parchment that speaks back to you! I keep wondering what they'll come up with next. Pictures that you can have conversations with?

And has anyone seen my Arthur?

Oct. 7th, 2013


[Hal J, Gray d L]

[Locked to Hal J]

[After the fight]

I'm just passing along the message to you that Oliver isn't going to be around for a while.

[Locked to Gray d L]

I'm going to have to take a raincheck on dinner.

Oct. 5th, 2013



Another month of this two people one body and I'm going to run mad.

[James, Lily, Remus.]

What's for dinner?

Oct. 2nd, 2013


adam w., sam a., public

[locked to adam w.]

[Slowly.] Busy right now?

[locked to sam a.]

[Just as slow.] Hi, babydoll.


Where's the good parties on the Strip these days?

Oct. 1st, 2013


[Public, as Rose R.]

Can you mundane people try not to die, please?


Alana B

[Locked to Alana B]

Gray -- Gray says he talked to you before.

Sep. 30th, 2013



Having a weeping little bat that's bereaved from her boyfriend because of a prison asylum is not conducive to producing this radio show. At this rate, I fear that she'll make me depressed.

Sep. 28th, 2013


[Public, Deacon V]

[The morning after Deacon's post-sand party.]


You know it was a fucking good party when you come home with less clothes than you went out with.

[Deacon V]

You find an extra pair of panties around your place? Maybe wherever you dropped them last night?

Sep. 26th, 2013


Bruce W

[Locked to Bruce W]

Finally, she speaks. This is really quite beyond

Uh, hello? I've never tried this before


[public, Luke H]

Some days there just isn't enough coffee.

[Locked to Luke H]

What the hell is this thing?

Sep. 24th, 2013


dolores c., public

[call to Showgirl Video, in the evening. he asks for 'Blue' about five times before sufficiently annoying the girl on the other end, whereupon he relents and asks for Dolores instead. Thanks, doll.]



We all made it out of sandstorm hell alive, right? Right. So, let's celebrate. Party at my place, bitches.

Sep. 22nd, 2013



Kid ain't takin a step through that door no more. Keep asking him for some time off and he screams like a five year old every time I ask. Good thing I'd have to be some kind of desert walker to get to the hotel in the first place.

Sep. 21st, 2013



I'm wondering if anyone might let me borrow your key for a time. There are difficulties through my door, and I promise that I won't cause any harm. I just need a change of scenery, if that isn't too much to ask.

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