March 2014




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Jan. 29th, 2014


[Public as Winnie O.]
[Her writing is neat and boyish.]

I really don't have time for this thing again.



[locked to the justice league.]

[The cursor blinks for a while, and then, straight to the point:] We need to discuss Watchtower.

Jan. 26th, 2014


as Lois Lane

[As Lois Lane]

Okay, so everyone on this journal thing has some sort of headcase or is one, right? How do we figure out which one is the real one? Because I feel pretty real to me.

Someone want to fill me in on this thing?

Jan. 22nd, 2014


[LVPD Lock]

So we've reached a new level of clusterfuck.

Henry, you've been here the longest. What's your read on these people? Considering they all apparently have these damn journals.

Jan. 20th, 2014


Public, Matt O & Jenny S, Connor B

I don't think Vegas has enough Starbucks for Mondays yet.

[Locked to Matt O, viewable by Jenny S]
Any chance yet on grabbing the case file? Maybe one of us can get assigned it.

And did you see the news about the hospital? I think we should see about getting a uniformed stationed on her door if we can. Just to be safe.

[Locked to Connor B]
Saw you offered your computer expertise. Think you can get into the hospital's system so we know the moment she wakes up?

Jan. 19th, 2014


[Public. As "John J."]

[As "John J."]

Which television or movie programs do you feel are best to watch about human nature?

Jan. 18th, 2014


LVPD lock, Iris M

[After this. (She only knows of Luke and Matt being around here, but the lock is generic enough than any PO can see it.)]

The young woman in the news, Samantha Alexander, she has a journal. Much of her kin too, Alexanders and Donovans. The Murphys, the family with whom this purported feud is ongoing, they do too. Things written here are inadmissible as evidence, of course, but there are entries upon entries of public threats against Samantha and her family archived for perusal. Is there a way to construe them as some sort of forum?

The alleged suspect, Iris Morgenstern, has no alibi, but I believe she was at the hotel at the time of the shooting. I'm going to reach out to her here, where it cannot be tracked to find out.

We need a way to make sense of this.

ETA: [Locked to Iris M]
Hello, Ms. Morgenstern. I'm Lieutenant Jennifer Simms of the LVPD. This is off the record, completely, but I'd like to ask you some questions about your sister's shooting.

Jan. 16th, 2014


[as Cassie S]

[DC Door: JL + Allies]
Wonder Girl reporting in.

[Tim D]

[Diana P]


Why don't Clark & Kara know who I am??

[Bruce W]
I heard. I know you've heard the "I'm sorry" thing all over the place, so I'm not going to add to that. So instead I'm just going to say that I know what it's like to lose someone, and if you need to punch something, I can hold a bad guy or a bag or some bricks or anything up for you.

Jan. 14th, 2014


[Batfam and Wondy]

Kara is with me, she is safe. We're processing next steps.

I am truly truly sorry for what transpired and that I could not get to her sooner. Anything I can do to help rectify the damage that was done, you know I will.

[Bruce W/Clark K]

I'm going to be spending some time at Sanctuary - not my favorite location - but I think it is best just for the time being. We're going to be working on some alternative methods of stress relief.

Bruce, I am truthfully sorry for what happened in your city, you are my best friend - and I respect you. If you need us to leave, please feel free to be honest.

[Diana P]

Kara is with me.

Jan. 13th, 2014



[Justice League+Ollie]
[During this.]

Bruce, I heard about your kid Damian?. I'm not going to pretend to be good at this I'm sorry, man. I think I can speak for all of us when I say we're here for you. Let us know if there's something we can do for you, all right?

Jan. 12th, 2014


[Locked to DC Door, after this]

By the gods, what was that? Do we have a new foe in town? [Naturally assuming it couldn't be one of their own.]

[Locked to Kara]

Kara, please stop whatever you are doing.

Jan. 10th, 2014



[As Oliver Q]

I'm starting to wonder if there's something wrong with me that Vegas changes almost as regularly as my clothing.

Jan. 3rd, 2014



[As Abigail K]

Okay...what the hell is this site for?

Dec. 31st, 2013


Why can't you help who you love? I'm exhausted by all of it. I've wanted it to end, to change, to fix it. I just don't know what to do anymore, but I want it.

Dec. 29th, 2013



I think it best I did not join the world of man until adulthood, my young self was near to studying her first man like an artifact.

[Locked to Justice League]

Do we have an update on the Watchtower?

[Locked to Kara]

When are you free to train? I have to negotiate terms with the fool I share the door with.

Dec. 26th, 2013


[public, Max M]


The fact that everyone takes these events in stride concerns me.

[Locked to Max M]

And here, I thought Las Vegas would be boring.

Dec. 24th, 2013


[text to wren h.]

[Early morning. After his last shift before Christmas ends.]


[locked to jack c.]

Scale of one to ten, how traumatic was it? Not too bad? I think our childhoods were normal.

[locked to matt + jenny]

How'd we all like being kids again?

Dec. 10th, 2013


justice league, jonathan c.

[locked to the justice league, after this.]

The government is building their own Watchtower, with help from Lex Luthor. They managed to get their hands on Kryptonian technology. It's not completed yet, but it will be, and we need to make sure that doesn't happen. It's being constructed in secret within Blackgate City.

[locked to jonathan c.]

Hello, Cra Jonathan.


kara z, public

[locked to Kara]

Hello Kara, I do not know if you know me, but my name is Diana. I am good friends with Kal-El, or at least my version of him. I wanted to see how you were.

[Public, as Diana P.]

At home we enjoyed Brumalia instead of Christmas, although I must say I enjoy the lights and merriment in any Winter Solstice celebration.

Dec. 2nd, 2013



Do preexisting connections or forged connections, courtesy of the hotel, make up the majority of the fraternizing? It seems most know most.

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