March 2014




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Jan. 29th, 2014


Ronan X, Liam R, Callie N

[Locked to Ronan X]

Hey you.

[Locked to Liam R]

So. February. Valentine's Day.

[Locked to Callie N]

Thank you for contacting Thor that day. I don't know if I ever told you.

Jan. 26th, 2014



Ooh la la.


Liam R, Callie N

[Text to Liam R]

Any news?

[Text to Callie N]

Earl wants an ax. I can't count all the ways this is not going to happen.

Jan. 20th, 2014


Public, Iris M

[It isn't until he arrives at his office on Monday morning and cracks open the newspaper that he finds out what happened over the weekend.]



[It's plainly visible, only with a smudge through it.]

[Iris M]

Are you still at the Precinct?

Jan. 18th, 2014


Neil D

[Text to Neil D]

[After hearing the news and seeing it all over the television.]

Let me know how she is when you're able. And let me know if I can do anything.


what the fuck happened to Sam?!

Jan. 17th, 2014


Phone Call: Ben S/Liam R

[A few minutes after this.]

Ring, ring!

Jan. 16th, 2014



Let it be known that excited puppies and crutches don't get along.



How many shifts at Starbucks do you think equals one tattoo removal?

Jan. 8th, 2014



Well, I'm not going to be running for a while.

Jan. 4th, 2014



Sure sign that I'm getting older. I've become the person who enjoys taking naps in the middle of the day. This did not used to be a thing.

Jan. 3rd, 2014



[As Abigail K]

Okay...what the hell is this site for?



I once thought that there was nothing more tempting than the call of adventure in travels throughout the world, but I have found that to be false.

Paris, in all it's beauty and grace, holds a far stronger pull upon my soul.

Or rather, a certain mademoiselle who lives in the city does.

Jan. 1st, 2014


Jack R

[Locked to Jack R]

[After receiving the stocking gift.]

Thanks. You didn't have to, but thanks.

Dec. 30th, 2013


[Ben S, Sam A, Trystan C, Public]

[Locked to Ben S]

Three things.

1) Love the house. I'm helping with this, you realise.

2) Thank you for the oils. May I make an appointment for tonight?

3) So when are we going down south?

[Locked to Sam A]

The sketches are perfect. Absolutely so. I'm going to get an appointment in a week or so, once I get my courage up again.

[Locked to Trystan C]

Was that you in the memory who overdosed?


To the guy named Jack who helped the little boy in the park that day, thank you.


Public, Laura K


Gotta love some holiday cheer to remind you that we all need fucking therapy.

[Laura K]

[...] The cajun bastard wants me to ask what you're doing for new year's. This is just to get him to be quiet for half a minute.

Dec. 27th, 2013


Loki, Liam R, Public

[Locked to Loki]

Were you there?

[Locked to Liam R]

He will be home soon.


There was a boy in a room, afraid of monsters.

Dec. 24th, 2013


liam r, jack r, public

[Locked to Liam R, Jack R]

Did you two make it out okay?


Thank you to the little boy with the stuffed bear who offered to take me home. That was very sweet.

Dec. 11th, 2013


[Raoul C, Phantom]

[After this.]

[Locked to Raoul C]
Raoul? Oh, how wonderful!

[Opera chapel]
[Spoken tentatively to the ceiling, after lighting a remembrance candle for her papa. In French.] I do not know if you are there, but did you hear the news? We have a new patron. His name is Raoul- Viscount de Chagny. I knew him as a child. He visited with my papa during one winter.

Dec. 8th, 2013


[Max M, Blake T, Public, Julian H, Jack C]

[Email to M. Main.]
I have not yet seen a schedule for the end of this month. Will there be one distributed?

[Blake T]
[From Chris J. After much deliberation and against his better judgement. It's just a picture of a sleeping bag rolled out on cheap carpeting.]

Opinions on going home for the holidays to see family you haven't seen in years.

[Julian H, Jack C]
[After Max's first comment, before he even replies to her. Coming via official school-related email.]
Please tell me one of you knows more about security than I do. Main's asking for a facility security grading.

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