March 2014




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Mar. 22nd, 2012


I've heard Bali is a good place to move to to write a book.


Mar. 21st, 2012



[From Jonathan C., the evening after this]

[His writing is very precise, clean and small, written with in fine point black ink]

I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that those of you stuck in Las Vegas are lacking in a certain amount of... class.



That guy came back to the VIP Salon tonight. The poker player from New Jersey who wears too much Axe body spray and always tries to stick the tips in my waistband. He keeps making the same offers - trying to save me from my life of waiting tables. He says I could be his Vegas mistress, he'd buy me a condo and a car.

It would be nice to have a car.

But he scares me, and the thought of him touching me makes me want to barf. I thought I might upchuck my dinner tonight when he touched my leg. I was honestly worried he'd follow me home, so I hid in the kitchens for an hour after work before sneaking out back to take the bus.

Mar. 20th, 2012


[Text to Tiffani R.]

[Text Message to Tiffani R.]

OMG. My audition went gr8. Got a gig opening for Dueling Pianos.

Mar. 18th, 2012



So, what's a girl gotta do to find a decent sports bar around here? One that caters to MMA or boxing? Not that fake crap.

Mar. 16th, 2012


[Text to Tiffani]

I got an audition at the Wynn... it's nothing big, but it is a start.



Does anyone know of any open mics or auditions for singers in Vegas in the near future? I can't be a waitress forever.



Am I the only one who hasn't actually looked into stuff about their person? I mean, I've seen movies years ago and kinda glanced through the Wiki article, but I know there's more to learn. Anyone scared of what they might find?

Mar. 13th, 2012



Someone remind me about the blackjack rules again. What do you hit on?

Mar. 12th, 2012



Written in a girly, bubbly script

I don't think I've written a lick that wasn't on an order pad since I took my GED. Workin' a double tonight. Hope the tips are worth it, because I broke a heel on my good work shoes earlier in the evening.

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