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Feb. 7th, 2014



Where might I purchase a gun? The largest gun possible.


Public, not visible by Ella D

This is last call, fellas. I struck out last time, but maybe someone wants to do what Joey A. didn't? I'm looking for a friend of Ella's to drive a car, open some doors and let her lean against his arm. I'm not looking for romance, because not every woman needs a lover regardless of what the tabloids say. I'm looking for a friend, someone she can have a nice few hours with. It's all on me.

[Post contents deleted. Comments still visible.]



You desire books?


[Private to Ben S.]

Where exactly in England are you from?

Feb. 6th, 2014


locked to DC Door except for Cassie S

Any friendly zillionaires out there? Let's make a deal.


[Private to Cobb.]

Where's home?


cassie s.

You guys have Lady Gaga over there?


pepper potts

[locked to pepper p.]

Hello, Ms. Potts. Do you have a moment?

Feb. 5th, 2014




Oblivion is not something I can offer, sadly.


Alice L

A [...] gun?


locked away from Andrew P

I'm looking for friends of Andrew P.


[jules h]

Simple tastes, huh?


DC Door

[Locked away from Helena W]

What does else does Helena like. Besides roses?


Song Mingmei


I'm sorry, I don't think I can buy you a boyfriend. Not legally.



[Locked away from Ululenia]

Looking for friends of [...] Ululenia? Or anyone who knows anything about her, which door she might be from? She mentioned a Republic and an Empire, but she also asked for something 'elven made'.

That was after she asked for a fucking virgin.

[ETA:] Apparently she's a goddamned unicorn. Are those through the Fairy door?


public, except for gwen d.

[...] Friends of Gwen Dailey, I wish to speak with you.



[Public except for Selina K/Catwoman]

I'm looking for friends of Selina Kyle. I would like to speak with you.



[Locked to Thor]

Hello. Tony Stark suggested that you might be able to help me.


locked to boy blue.

What the hell are the homelands?

Feb. 4th, 2014


Peter P

Red or white?

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