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Sep. 23rd, 2013


It shouldn't feel this good to finally be grounded. I'm rather relieved, actually.

[Narcissa Black]

Thank you. I don't know what your true intentions were with that announcement of mine, and I'm certain I more than upset some people, but I'm rather used to that. That I can handle. But I'm actually...for the first time in a long while, I feel like I actually have a family. One that will step in and take the burden off my shoulders for a change.

Er, are you free...perhaps this weekend? I'm grounded for that announcement, but maybe you can work out a day and time to meet with my dad and Mum and Draco, too.

Sep. 22nd, 2013



I'm stuck in the lab and the vending machine is out of flaming hot Cheetos. Send help.

Sep. 21st, 2013



I'm wondering if anyone might let me borrow your key for a time. There are difficulties through my door, and I promise that I won't cause any harm. I just need a change of scenery, if that isn't too much to ask.

Sep. 19th, 2013



How noble of Mr. Potter to encourage tolerance of us displaced persons and offer his assistance.

Sep. 18th, 2013


[Lily P & Harry P, Lily P, Narcissa B]

After this. The post makes its presence known with all the volume (read: screaming) of a Howler until Harry responds: [Potter lock]


ETA: [Locked to Lily P]
I'm in Diagon Alley at present. But we need to speak.

After Harry outs Narcissa...: [Locked to Narcissa B]
What in Merlin's name did you tell Harry to go to the Minister for?

Sep. 16th, 2013


[public, as James P]

[After this:] I am most certainly not a fan of the new approach. Is this what constitutes a programme in the present?

Sep. 15th, 2013



[As Hannibal L.]

[No words, only the drawing of this building.]

Sep. 13th, 2013


[Alexander M]

You want to know anything, you come to me direct, you understand? They don't know anything, Lo doesn't know a damn thing. That sly, sneaking around thing trying to run her down you're doing right now is sick.

[Dolores C]

Think anyone would miss him if he actually died and stayed dead?

[Preston R]

I need to apologize.

[Neil D]

[ETA: after this

You know a Chloe M?


Carnival. How old do you need to be to enjoy that coming to town?

Sep. 10th, 2013


Draco M., Sirius Black, Narcissa...Black

[Draco Malfoy]

Hi, Draco. You've been quiet lately, since we last talked. What's up?


...I've really said hi to everyone else except for you, Sirius. I guess you probably know everything, based on what I've heard from Remus and Da...and James. Um. I'm glad you're here. I know that sounds weird and strange, but to me...I'm really glad to see you here again.

[Narcissa Black]

Hello, Narcissa. Or Miss Black. I'm not sure which you'd prefer, but I'm guessing it's probably not Mrs. Malfoy, which is how I know you. I don't know how much you know about things that will come to be for the lot of you, but since I've been told that you're friendly with my father, I don't think he's very good at keeping secrets. Um. I think, maybe, we should all meet in person, Draco included.

Sep. 8th, 2013


[Private to James P.]
[The cottage looks as if it was ransacked by a very, very picky thief. Only a couple necessary items have been taken.]

Potter. Thank you for the robes and hospitality. I must take my leave so that I may keep my ducklings in a row. I still insist we meet our children together. I'll be in Hogsmeade if you need me.

[A couple sketches of the interior of Three Broomsticks Inn. Mostly of her cherry syrup and soda with its umbrella.]

Sep. 7th, 2013


[Public, Lily P

[Locked to Lily E P]

I am sorry for the other day.


What an interesting group of people we've seemed to have gathered. There are some, however, I could do without.

Sep. 6th, 2013


[MPP+Lily P, Narcissa B]

After this: [Locked to MPP and Lily P]
Sirius, your cousins need to stop popping up.

[Narcissa B]
What will you do now?



[As Bellatrix B.]

My dearest talking book,

I seem to have misplaced a number of things that I hope you can see returned to me. The list is as follows:

-My family
-Our home
-My intended betrothed
-My belongings
-My name, as it currently appears to be anathema to most with whom I have spoken

In exchange, I have received this thing [frustrated inkblotch] in my head that is beyond any measure of disgusting I had yet to experience in my life. I fear I must demand a solution for this immediately.

Most sincerely yours,

Sep. 3rd, 2013



[In black ink calligraphy. As Tom R.]

So peaceful. So quiet. The calm after the storm, is it not?


[In shaky, girlish writing as Narcissa Black:]

Draco? L Lu Lucius?

Aug. 31st, 2013



You know, I wouldn't mind the crying and wailing if she kept to a schedule for it. This is like having a loud neighbor, but instead of having sex at random times during the day, she's pretending to be Sylvia Plath.

Aug. 28th, 2013



What the hell am I supposed to do with this?

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