March 2014




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Jan. 24th, 2014


[Neil D]

[During this. It's shaky and her pen digs into the page.]

Where are you?
She's talking to me
she doesn't know
Something's wrong.
Why is no one with her???
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Iris "R"

[Locked to Iris R]

[The handwriting resembles that of a child. Heavy and thick, with lines that wobble and circles that are rife with bumps. It's obviously written with something thick, like a sharpie, and the ink goes off the page at regular intervals, streaks and dots from when the marker is dropped or lost control of. Posted while she waits for Neil.]

Hey baby.

Jan. 22nd, 2014


[locked to the donovans and alexanders]

[After this.]

Do you believe it now?

Jan. 20th, 2014



[After Iris is arrested and charged. Oh, so public.]

How much did you fuckers pay those witnesses to lie, huh?



[Monday morning, two witnesses in the shooting of Sam Alexander identify Iris Morgenstern as the shooter in a photo lineup. Police bring Morgenstern down to the station near the lunchtime hour, and they conduct a physical lineup, where the two witnesses both pick Iris Morgenstern out as the shooter. Morgenstern is arrested immediately on charges of attempted homicide, and warrants are obtained to enter her rooms at the mental facility in search of the murder weapon and clothing with gun residue present. The police conference indicates that the Morgenstern has been charged, and that the charges will be upgraded to homicide if Alexander does not survive. Medical personnel from UMC hospital state that Alexander survived surgery, and that doctors will attempt to reduce the medication maintaining the drug-induced coma and remove the ventilator in the coming days, to see if the patient responds favorably. Until that time, outcome is uncertain.]
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Public, Iris M

[It isn't until he arrives at his office on Monday morning and cracks open the newspaper that he finds out what happened over the weekend.]



[It's plainly visible, only with a smudge through it.]

[Iris M]

Are you still at the Precinct?

Jan. 19th, 2014


[Eddie N]

[Starting with just him. Shortly after she talks to the Lieutenant about it.]

Eddie? I know this isn't a good time. But are you around?
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Jan. 18th, 2014


LVPD lock, Iris M

[After this. (She only knows of Luke and Matt being around here, but the lock is generic enough than any PO can see it.)]

The young woman in the news, Samantha Alexander, she has a journal. Much of her kin too, Alexanders and Donovans. The Murphys, the family with whom this purported feud is ongoing, they do too. Things written here are inadmissible as evidence, of course, but there are entries upon entries of public threats against Samantha and her family archived for perusal. Is there a way to construe them as some sort of forum?

The alleged suspect, Iris Morgenstern, has no alibi, but I believe she was at the hotel at the time of the shooting. I'm going to reach out to her here, where it cannot be tracked to find out.

We need a way to make sense of this.

ETA: [Locked to Iris M]
Hello, Ms. Morgenstern. I'm Lieutenant Jennifer Simms of the LVPD. This is off the record, completely, but I'd like to ask you some questions about your sister's shooting.


[Neil D, Lin A, Joey A, Louis D, Shane A]

[Much later in the day. If writing can be tired, hers is. A small group lock, aiming for the people she hopes don't flat-out hate her.]

Is anyone allowed to tell me anything?

[After her first reply from Lin, she tries to be brave and adds Louis and Shane to the group lock.]

Jan. 16th, 2014


[Eddie N]

[She thinks a while about writing, and her pen rests to page for a good while before words actually appear.]

[...] How are you?
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How many shifts at Starbucks do you think equals one tattoo removal?

Jan. 15th, 2014


[Private to Iris]

Gotham's a real pain in the neck, right? Sorry about the neck.

[Private to Luke H]

Talked to Selina. Didn't get much out of her. When she's through the door, she's barely in Gotham. She said she was stealing from someone with more money than the pope and they fired some weird new laser gun at her. Your lady's pain should be dying down pretty soon.

[Private to Harley Q]

Still here?

Jan. 14th, 2014



[The words appear in shades of blue and green.]

scotch tape pie
scotch tape pie
will somebody please get us a slice of scotch tape pie??

or perhaps you would prefer a tuba with a toupee?
a tube of crest in a birds nest?
an old navy denim vest?
wait a second
do you even need a vest,
or are you just trying to be ironic?

Jan. 13th, 2014



[Locked to Death]
[And oh, so badly timed.] And here I thought dying was something private and sacred. I guess I was wrong. Or do you only share intimate details about the end of someone's life with your would-be lover?


[Eddie N]

[Immediately following Jason's visit. Barely enough time for her hands to stop shaking, and it shows in the angle of her words. There's a strange slick on the very edge of her page, looking like the darkest scarlet ink with iridescent silver dust laced through it, but her words are written in black.]

Don't tell anyone about what the Pit does. Please.
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Jan. 2nd, 2014



There's tea in the Manor kitchen and a new batch of shortbread. The lot of you are welcome to it.

[Bruce W]

Master Bruce. You must come out at some point.

Dec. 31st, 2013


[public, as Shane A]

what the fuck

Dec. 26th, 2013



All I wanted for Christmas was to not get my nose broken by a girl whilst revisiting my delightful teen, carnie years. Listen, lady. I don't think you know who you're dealing with here. I demand that you reveal yourself to me and issue an apology or there might be repercussions. I just got out of the crazy house and I got a loooooooot of time on my hands.

Dec. 25th, 2013



Do these come in Braille?

Dec. 13th, 2013


[Eddie N.]

[After Sam's money appears and talking to Toby. The color wheel puzzle spins one ring around several times as she taps it while she's thinking, and then.]

[...] Eddie?
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