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Feb. 11th, 2013


Sam A, Neil D

[The guest room is found empty in the wake of this. The keycard Sam had given him along with the black iPhone that serves as Liam's journal are left behind on the dresser. The phone's screen is heavily damaged from being thrown across the room though it is still functional. No note is left behind.]



So, anybody know what happens to our headcases when we bite it?

Feb. 8th, 2013


[public, morgan c, neil d]


Anyone else manage to feel absolutely ignorant in comparison to the one they have through the door? I had a moment, a few moments ago, where I realised how far above me he is in intelligence, and honestly, it's humbling.

[Locked to Morgan C]

I hope the year has been treating you kindly, thus far.

[Locked to Neil D]

What would you say if I did a few improvements to the guest room?

Feb. 3rd, 2013


[Private to Liam R.]

Our agent kept asking about you during lunch. It was very uncomfortable and a little damaging to my ego.


If you had a quiet person in your head, or are unaware that you have one at all, how do you decide when to go through the door? I assume it'd be because you were bored and couldn't sleep.

Jan. 30th, 2013


Sam A, Liam R, Blake T, Iris R, Malcolm D, Val M

Locked to Sam A

Just checking in, how are things?

Locked to Liam R

You've been quiet. How are you doing, Liam?

Locked to Blake T

How are you, Blake?

Locked to Iris R

Are you returned yet?

Locked to Malcolm D

Is there a protocol for this? Don't be Hey.

Locked to Val M

Hey. Sorry I had to end our phone call so abruptly the other night.

Jan. 26th, 2013


[Seven M]

[Phone call to Seven M on his way to the Aria]


Jan. 16th, 2013


Lin A, Daniel W, Liam R

[Locked to Lin A]
[On a hunch, after looking to see who Daniel has been talking to that's named "Lin."] You have really weird taste in fucking movies.

[Sent to Daniel W]
[Sent to the email address he gave her for the welding attachments of Zee's tats, without commentary, since she just wants an opinion.]

[Locked to Liam R]
[But without expecting response.] I'm not paying you back.


[Jack R]

[Phone call to Jack R, the night after the fight with Seven, from Nick's apartment]


Jan. 13th, 2013



[When she gets booted from the door.]

[Locked to Sam]

Emergency out of town trip. Stay safe and we'll have dinner when I'm back?

[Locked to Liam]

I have to go out of town unexpectedly. We'll talk when I'm back?

[Locked to Nico]

I'm sorry darling, I've got to run out of town unexpectedly. Behave yourself and I'll see you when I return.

[Locked to Spencer/Tim]

Don't let my girl die.

[Locked to Bruce Banner and Tony S]

I don't suppose either of you happen to know anyone with expertise in germ warfare?

[Email to Olivia]

I have to leave town unexpectedly. If you need to ask me anything, I will have sporadic access to email. Thank you for all your help, Olivia.


The Gardens will also be temporarily closed for renovations. All appointments will be honored in undisclosed locations. Thank you for your patience.


[Call to Nick P]

[Call to Nick P]

[After this]



Liam R

[About a week after this exchange. Crane's drugs have hit Seven's supply route and made their way throughout Vegas. Of course, Seven had to sample what he was supplying. Big mistake.]

Call to Liam


Jan. 11th, 2013


[Neil D]

[Private to Neil D]

[After his conversation with Sam.]

I still don't know what happened that seems to be such a large deal, but on the heels of you chastising me for offering to share a joint with her, she just told me she was going out, getting drunk, and doing a couple of lines.

Apparently her and I are no longer talking. Perhaps you ought to check in on her.



[After talking to Sam, the posts gets crossed out and no further replies]

Possible broken finger (left hand). Doctor: yes or no?

Jan. 8th, 2013


Iris R, Wnnie O, Public

[Locked to Iris]
[Again he tries. He doesn't want to go blurting her name across the journals, nor does he particularly want to go talking to people in the quest to find her.]


[If that doesn't work, he'll leave a voice mail on the numbers he has for her.]

[Locked to Winnie O]

What the hell is going on?


I'm moving. A house half way down the block just exploded.

Jan. 7th, 2013


[Sam A]

off the hook

[Liam R]

got the packet. your girl's debt-free.

Jan. 5th, 2013


[Public, Tess A]

[After this, and screw being anonymous.]

Yeah, so that DVD player? How about sending it? And you're either my grandfather's age, or you haven't seen a movie in years, so which is it?

[Locked to Tess A]
Do you think we have fucked up genes? It that why we all suck?

Jan. 4th, 2013



I bought a House house. A House and a house.

Jan. 3rd, 2013


[Seven M]

[Locked to Seven M]

I don't think I got a chance to really say thank you for the typewriter. This is one of those items that I want to take pictures of and post online just so I can show it off to all the people out there because THAT is how excited I am about it.


Blake, Winnie, Sam, Iris, Liam, Public

[Locked to Blake T]

Your box of sex toys was delivered to my office. I can hold them if you want to pick them up when you come for your session.

[Locked to Winnie]

Do you still need a present for your coworker?

[Locked to Sam]

How are you doing Sam?

[Locked to Iris]

Did you have a good Christmas, Iris?

[Locked to Liam]

Still doing okay?


Anyone have tips for traveling with dogs?

Dec. 31st, 2012



So, the studio time, who's it from? I would offer up something raunchy as thanks, but you might be related to me, so come on and fess the fuck up.

Oh, and, Chloe? Thanks for the book, baby, but you need it more than I do.

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