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November 16th, 2013

[info]anything1 in [info]doors


Well? Are you ready to ask me to come home yet?

[info]myluckyhat in [info]doors

[Private to Gwen S.]
[As Carol D.]

Hey, pretty lady. Jackass in my head told me you'd like to know that Flash bounced. I'm sorry. The most I know about Flash is that he used to give Spidey the worst swirlies.

[Private to MJ]
[As Carol D.]

MJ, Adam is too much of a pussy to tell MK that Flash is gone. Either that or he was just trying to be an asshole. [Blink.] Hi, sorry. Getting used to this whole thing. I'm Carol. I know you, but you probably don't know me. I used to invite you over for drinks and then have dizzy spells in the middle of it. Good times.

[info]sonrisa in [info]doors

[public, as anonymous]

[She sees the likes of Loki, Narcissa B, something addressed to "the Assassin," and other entries under normal names on here. There are a few people who appear as green as she is, but they're speaking in French. Finally, after figuring out how to post anonymously.]

Anybody mind telling me what's going on here?

[info]imaginaryfish in [info]doors


[Handwriting is slanted, the page is stained with something green.]

So. Does anybody stay at the Palazzo? Because this isn't my room, I can't find my phone, and there's jello fucking everywhere.

[info]author in [info]doors

[public, Sam A]


Apparently, the dogs' response when I have a headache and just want to lay down is to come in and pile on top of me on my bed.

I want to be annoyed, but I can't find it in myself to do so. Remind me again why I didn't have a dog sooner?

[Locked to Sam A]

I've a question for you, Sam.

[info]hiemo in [info]doors

[locked to ford c]

[It's two in the morning, muzzy and tired. The writing is slanted at an angle, probably indicating that Blake is lying on something.]

you should come over.

[info]isalwaysangry in [info]doors

[Private to Tony Stark]
[As Bruce B, after this.]

No more kid Loki, apparently. You around?
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