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October 9th, 2013

[info]doorsanon in [info]doors

[News: Marvel]

[Early Tuesday, the tabloids run a scandalous little story about Norman Osborn having fled the country. Rumors range from suggestions of a runaway wedding, to a terminal illness, and New York is abuzz with speculation, citing everything from his recent, odd adoption of a little girl, to Oscorp's failure to produce anything innovative in the first three quarters of the year. By evening, a press conference is held outside Oscorp, in which Harry Osborn assures stockholders that his father is abroad, spearheading a new project, and that he (Harry) will be overseeing Oscorp during this time. The conference continues with strong financial statements from the company treasurer, and a rousing speech about the future of Oscorp, which is made by the head of PR. This, of course, doesn't silence rumors, but there's nothing to disprove the official statement. Still, the tabloids continue printing their speculations, and the appearances of Harry Osborn on their covers increase immediately, including whispers about his personal life and pictures that showcase his "friends," and question his prominent engagement.]

[info]bella_black in [info]doors

[Ella D, Dex M]

[Ella D.]

Hey baby. I know you're probably not gonna go back or anything, but I'm not at the club any more. Found some new place. So if you'd be looking for me, I'm not there.

[...] How's things?

[Dex M.]
[She has second thoughts about this one.]

So I was pretty sure I fucked that audition, and not in the good way, but guess who got a new job? Not at the fucking Vega, though. Unless you already knew that, Mister Vegas Gossip.

[info]atomic26 in [info]doors

[Marvel Door Update.]

[Stark Tower goes abruptly dark after a contained boom, a short flicker, and not one alarm.

CNN and MSNBC shows up on site and everyone thinks ALIENS for about ten seconds until Tony (sans Iron Man suit) appears on his porch and waves down to the crowd. Distance microphones aren't ready in time to pick up what he shouts, but he grins down at the crowd and then turns.

Tony goes back inside, the only light in the Tower glowing blue on his chest. As it is three in the morning, no one is at the Tower to complain except the skeleton security.]

[info]original_snake in [info]doors

Public, Rose R, Narcissa M, Severus S

I hate to even ask what is going on out there.

Where have you been? I've tried to contact you before.

Where are you staying? I've got our space. I've also obtained more keys to our vault at Gringotts so you will not be without access.

Are you getting on alright? I'm sure you have felt a bit off since your arrival.

[info]caelrox in [info]doors


I fucking hate family emergencies. I shouldn't. Patience and understanding, right, and I love Chay's family. They are the best. They kind of adopted me. He's just gone, and this sucks.