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August 31st, 2013

[info]miscissy in [info]doors


You know, I wouldn't mind the crying and wailing if she kept to a schedule for it. This is like having a loud neighbor, but instead of having sex at random times during the day, she's pretending to be Sylvia Plath.

[info]crimsonstar in [info]doors

It is that crazy time of the year it is! School is starting for students now and the store is very, very busy! I think that I have worked
hours the last week...I think that is more than most people! It is good for money, but it is still very busy.

Starting my junior is also crazy, as they say! I cannot wait! How many people more are students?

[info]chanteuse in [info]doors

There ought to be no running, no running at all but all the clocks are backwards and there must be running to keep them in place.

Who has un-ticked all the tocks?

[info]upintheclouds in [info]doors

[Gabe R]

I'm currently in the process of taking grievances. What are yours?

[info]muchness in [info]doors

[Dylan M]

[Locked to Dylan M]
[Carefully, but in tellingly sloppy print.] Do they still have you or are you avoiding me, agent?

[info]signpost in [info]doors

[Public, as Dolores C]


F Seeks Grimbrain
For quiet walks through soul-eating prisons, candlelit dinners in a shrieking shack, and generally boundless joy and unquantifiable happiness. Serious inquiries only. Rather immediate moping wolf migraine relief required.

[info]ex_seeingred41 in [info]doors

[Public, anon]

[Public, anonymously, and not visible to Cerise S]

Someone owes me and my brother 25k. Don't click if you don't want to see Ian Russell dead. Just take my word for it, if you're squeamish. If you need more proof, I can get it to you.

[A digital locker location with two photographs: 1) A picture of Ian Russell from the neck up (sans one eyeball), obviously in a great deal of pain, with blood splattered on his chin. 2) A picture of Ian Russell from the neck up, obviously very dead. There's also an offshore bank account number that can't be traced and that's only good for deposits.]