March 2014



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June 17th, 2013

[info]muchness in [info]doors

[Jack C]

[Locked to Jack C]
[Toward the end this.] Alright, what's going on?

[info]chanteuse in [info]doors

Amanda B care of Max M

Left at the front desk )

[info]maldito in [info]doors

[October F]

[He sends one every year. A day late (no post on Sundays!), a father's day card arrives at the hospital and is placed in Toby's office with his mail; it's signed simply "Love, Jan".]

[info]ephemeras in [info]doors

[Joey A, Neil D, Louis D, Iris R]

[After refusing to speak to the cops or the shrinks, and after spending the morning manically pacing in her hospital room, then subsequently getting relocated to the psych ward. Still somewhat groggy.]

[Locked to Joey A]
Sorry about the drugs.

[Locked to Neil D]
Do something for me?

[Locked to Louis D]
You can stop freaking out now.

[Locked to Iris R]

[Not posted.]

[info]trickarrow in [info]doors

[Selina K.]

[Comm to Selina K., Monday afternoon]


[info]strawed in [info]doors

[Public, Cerise S]

Installing a pool in a desert home. Pretentious or necessary?

[Locked to Cerise S]

Cerise, darling. Where are you?

[info]ex_brother217 in [info]doors

March H, January F

[Calendar Lock]

[On the heels of this and being unable to put his words together properly.]

I'm calling a family meeting. In person.

[info]jazzhands in [info]doors


Should I be worried that this book seems to be dripping blood?

[info]trickarrow in [info]doors

[Nell M-S]

[Text to Nell]

(Monday evening, from the airport)

Flight got delayed. This always happens.

[info]albagalbasi in [info]doors

cut for image, not filtered or anything )

Mr. Frodo, Aragorn, look! [above, imagine a hand drawn image similar to the one linked]

The seeds I planted just after those holidays before are beginning to grow. They look quite lovely, I imagine, don't they, Mr. Frodo? Aye, I think they do. 'Tis a brighter future we'll be making, even if this is a wee thing that we can do to make it brighter.

[info]toberuled in [info]doors

[lin a]

Lin, I don't know if you've spoken to her yet, but we got Sam away from Ian, and she's safe. We took her to the hospital to get her checked out, I'm talking to her now.

[info]thefixer in [info]doors

[Text: Sera A]

so you found anywhere else cool to hang out, maybe without the pentacles?


Sense and Sensibility: Marianne, idiot or romantic? I'm mostly going with 'idiot'.