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June 7th, 2013

[info]muchness in [info]doors

[Bo D]

[Comm to Bo D]
[Beep, and ramble on pick up.] Got a intelligence transfer coming in from the feds, Davis. Connor Baird, with an organized crime obsession. Papers say he's worked with McKendrick, and we tangoed on a job a few years back. He's physically sound, but he's got a weird bedside manner. You want to keep him with you until we see how he does? And I keep getting bitchy correspondences about needing official PD and FBI liasons. We should be good with McKendrick filling in for FBI for the time being, but PD is willing to give us Luke Henry. I haven't mentioned it before, because I wanted to keep the kid out of it, but he needs a doctor's note for missing a month thanks to Gotham. Figured it's the least we can do, but I'm letting him make that final call. If not, we're going to have to play nice with a PD we don't know. Lastly, HQ pissed me off, so I pissed him off, and now I need to make it better without apologizing. Suggestions? Beer? Porn? Sending a stripper to clean his bathrooms?

[info]toberuled in [info]doors

[sam a]

I'm sorry for my absence. It wasn't planned.

[neil d]

How are you?

[iris r]

are you still

[anton s]

I just saw the news, I'm sorry, I was through the door. Are you alright?

[lin a]

I'm sorry that I've been absent. There was some trouble with my alter. How have you been?