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April 25th, 2013

[info]ex_published349 in [info]doors

[Sam A. and Lin A. Together.]

[Very drunk, very angry scrawl.]

[Angry Daniel language warning.] )

[info]pesadilla in [info]doors

[public, Louis D, Daniel W]

[After this.]
Samuel, I took a video of Barney for you. Consider this me hollaing.

Video behind the cut. )

[Louis A D]
This is your holla as well. You just won't be given any context.

Added in after this and much thinking: [Daniel W]
So, did you figure it out yet?

[info]homeandhearth in [info]doors

[Max M]

[All separated by fairly decent periods of time. Half hour here, hour there.]

It's very white here.

Non-dancing lamp says I should paint and bring in plants.

And to let someone know if I start to hear voices.

This is ridiculous.

Will I be arrested if I decorate?

He says you're in a decent place. This would've been nice to know first-hand.

How much of a car accident are we talking about this time?

Hope you're okay.

[info]antiqued in [info]doors

[Wren M]

[Text to Wren M a couple hours before their scheduled lunch.]

Some other things came up, so I'll have to cancel.

Be safe and take care of yourself.


[info]fuadan in [info]doors

Public, Sam W


Giant balls of twine are not interesting.

[Sam W.]

I am in Kansas.

[info]toberuled in [info]doors

[locked to iris r]

[After speaking to Sam.] How are you, Iris?
Tags: ,

[info]thelazarus in [info]doors

[locked to wren h]

[Locked to Wren H]

Hello, Wren. Can I ask you a favor?

[info]muchness in [info]doors

[Jack C, Bo D, Gabe R]

[Comm to Jack C]
[Because she has to do it eventually. Late night. Beep.]

[Locked to Bo D]
Let me know once you're back from the land of jet lag, legs.

[CIA email, Gabe R, Encrypted]
This is me thanking you for keeping Daniels from strangling herself with some baby's breath.