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April 11th, 2013

[info]sonrisa in [info]doors

[public, as Harley Q.]

[Around 1:30AM.]

Gee, what's a girl to do when it's this late n the servers crash? If she's not gonna put on her suit a I'm not sleepy at all! Being bored is boring. :(

[info]doorsanon in [info]doors


[It starts as a rumor that most don't quite believe, but there's no arguing against the evidence. Dozens of pictures are uploaded via cell phones, undoubtedly of Harry Osborn and Gwen Stacy during various states of undress while in the Bio Lab at Midtown.]

[info]skree in [info]doors


[As Dinah L.]

Got a note from the girl telling me it's my "birthday." It seems I had it wrong all these years.

The good news is that I look amazing for how old she says I am. Hell I look amazing for someone who she thinks is fictional.

[info]ex_roses104 in [info]doors


[After this.]

I'm to tell Snow White and the Beast not to venture near the cottage, but I rather think the warning should go to everyone in the door with the old fables.

[info]laminette in [info]doors


[Locked to "Rance"]
I have what you need. Do you have what the kitty cat needs?

[info]pureiron in [info]doors

chloe m. & eloise m., public

[group e-mail to chloe m. & eloise m.]

Guess where I am? :)


[In simple, printed font.]

I didn't mind at first, but I've dreamt of the same things for weeks now and I'd very much like some variety. Putting feeling down on paper is more difficult than I anticipated, and none of the kings I'm familiar with are right at all.

[From there, the text becomes mindless loops, which dissolve into various doodles of cats.]

(Source of cats here.)

[info]crimsonstar in [info]doors

[Private to Kitane]

What are you doing this weekend? I miss you lots since you were gone, honestly. My sister was here, but she's now back in China. You remember meeting her when you went with me to China? XiaoXing? So I have a car now, too, because my sister bought one instead of paying rent as I didn't let her pay rent.

I wanted to do something this weekend. Anything! What do you want to do? OH. I have a new other person again. He's Son Goku, from a famous Chinese legend. Well, this one is from an anime, but he is about the same man. Very brave!

I need to do something more. What is there to do this weekend?
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