March 2014



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February 14th, 2013

[info]runs_the_show in [info]doors

bruce w

[Locked: Bruce W/Pepper P]
I left further funds for Mr Stark's charity for you in the Valentine's Mailboxes.  If you are in need of further assistance, please let me know.

[info]blondebat in [info]doors


[comm to eddie]

[After she pops this into her computer. Her computer is infected as well as her own cellphone and the tablet phone from the hotel. She's a mixture between angry, amused, and warm and fuzzy, but beep, beep, beep until he picks up.] Make it stoooop. I can only take so much Abdul in my life, oh my god.

[info]fall_of_rain in [info]doors

[Slightly blotchy ink, as from an old, possibly broken pen.] Been told to ask here about work. Travail, à Paris. Anyone got things they need doing? J'ai une porte...

[info]matchesmade in [info]doors

This is a positive Delight, such charming, if Outlandish tales of all your accounts. It is, I suppose, a little like letter-writing to Oneself, if Oneself were more than one. But the very purpose of my coming forward, you see (for the gentleman is so very Bashful one might think him inclined to cling to walls at dances and be a positive Disaster socially) is the date! For so many tales of loves and woes, I cannot help but state what must be acknowledged.

It is a Perfectly positioned day of All Days for a gentleman (if, of course, he should So Desire) to extend the honor of his hand to the Lady of his choosing, for Valentine's Day could not be more romantic! And no one at all in the town can oblige me in this, as they are all either too old or too young or even too married (can you believe it, romance thought dead once matrimony truly complete?)

Someone has to indulge me!

[info]takespoint in [info]doors


Vacation. Didn't see that one coming.

[info]fuadan in [info]doors

Gabe: 0 Ingrown nail: 1

I'm going to cut this fucking thing out.

[info]the_huntress in [info]doors

Damian W, Oracle

[Locked to Oracle]


[Comm to Damian]

[Ping, ping, ping until he picks up. If he waits too long, he also gets a text from Helena to his cell phone: a picture of a huge pile of Valentine's Day decorations mostly in the form of magnetic stickers.]

[info]author in [info]doors

[Sam A]

[Phone call to Sam A]

[At the motel, after checking himself out of the hospital. He still doesn't have his phone, but he's found her number on his laptop. The Caller ID shows a Vegas motel.]


[info]ex_reds113 in [info]doors

[Briar Rose]

[Locked to Briar R]
We haven't talked since Snow's court, but are you there, Briar?

[info]onerule in [info]doors

selina k., damiam w.

[After recieving this.]

[locked to selina k.]

I'm fairly sure I don't have a security breach.

[After the above conversation.]

[locked to damian w.]

Hello I'm sorry you accidentally saw Do you have a moment, Damian?