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November 6th, 2012

[info]runs_the_show in [info]doors


after finding the shoes Charming left her
[Public, accidentally]

Charming! Thank you for the shoes! I really need to talk to you. I was at the party, did you go? And I met Draco Malfoy - you don't know him, but he's a character in a book I've read and I didn't really like him when I was reading the books, but. He might not actually be an awful person. Anyway, I kissed him though and I wanted to say I was sorry :( I didn't mean to. You're not mad are you?

[After talking to Rose, Benji, Jack, Harry & Snow the original post is deleted.]
[LOCKED: Draco M/Justine S]

If Rose was who you wanted that key to the Fairytale Door for, I don't want to talk to you ever again.

[CALL: Olive P (at the studio)/Justine S]

Ring, Ring

[Text: Eti/Justine S]

Can I see you again soon?

[info]agoodman in [info]doors

Locked to Aubrey R

You around?

[info]doorsanon in [info]doors

[Vegas Update]

[The free clinic in Vegas once run by Adam Waterhouse has changed leadership positions as he retires from the medical field. That doesn't make the papers, but gossip blogs note that Adam has been seen going out by himself now that he has plenty of free time. When asked by a blogger if he had broken it off with the paparazzi princess Maddie K, he simply nodded and bought a round of drinks for the group he was with.]

[info]runs_the_show in [info]doors

bruce b

[A few days after talking to Tony and Thor]
[Locked: Pepper P/Bruce B]

Hello, Doctor Banner. I hope I'm not interrupting anything important.  I just wanted to see how you were doing.

[info]snowscar in [info]doors

Filtered to Draco Malfoy

[Private to Draco Malfoy]

Draco. THIS. We, um, apparently have a stalker. And yes, we. What do you make of it all?

It's been brought to my attention that, um, there's quite a large number of people who happen to like reading fanfiction out there. Maybe I'm just curious or paranoid or both, but many of you have read about me? In, um, various situations?

[info]ex_thorns985 in [info]doors

Adam W

[After she sees news of this on an online gossip site.]

[Locked to Adam W]
The treehouse has become quite the wreck since you've been away, and I hold you entirely responsible for any utensils that have run away as a result.

[info]tsukino in [info]doors

seven m

[Phone Call: The Boss/Val M]

Ring, Ring

[info]redrobin in [info]doors

adam w, nick p

apparently, spencer has decided that blackbird is his vigilante codename
[Locked:Blackbird/Adam W]

Hey Adam. Saw you weren't at the clinic anymore. [...] You doing okay?

[Locked: Blackbird/Nick P]

Mr Pierce, Spencer gave me your name and said you were on the journals. I take it that means you might be interested in helping me out?

[info]author in [info]doors

Nick P

[Locked to Nick P]

So, I'm starting to forget what my roommate looks like.

[info]chavtastically in [info]doors


ok so i didnt know the green party was about the environment

mario and luigi write-in for prez/vp ftw tho

[info]pesadilla in [info]doors

[Locked to Winnie O]

Click me! )

[info]ex_forgeries811 in [info]doors

Trystan C

[Delivered to Trystan C]
[A box of flavored protein water. There is no note attached.]