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May 14th, 2012

[info]hemlockandhoney in [info]doors


[From Poison Ivy.]

Wasn't me.

[info]backintheworld in [info]doors

Raegan H, Hunter W, Kellan Z, Jack C

[Locked to Raegan H, Hunter W]
I'm at Turnberry Towers for now, if you require anything of me. They don't seem to take issue with dogs, Hunter, should you wish to torment your suitor by slipping from his bed.

[Locked to Kellan Z]
Are you still speaking to Everything is quiet. I thought you'd like to know.

[Slipped under Jack C's service elevator door. Unsigned.]
Shall whisper: "Ah, thou didst not comprehend. The dead wept thus, thou woman frail and weak." And like remorse the worm shall gnaw thy cheek.

[info]whitandpleasure in [info]doors

Who: Whitney L and Leo D.
When: Last Wednesday night
Where: Leo and Whit's Apartment
What: Roomie bonding
Warnings: None

They would have to do this again. )

[info]bound_by_honor in [info]doors

[Locked: Stark Family (Arya/Nell, Jon/Raegan, Bran/Kit)]

I would avoid Winterfell for a few days if at all possible.

[info]doomed_love in [info]doors

jules s

[Locked: Bailey T/Jules S]

You were right about Nikolai and the handcuffs.  Worked cause she didn't want me trying it again.  I made a deal with her so she wouldn't keep kidnapping me. 

[info]trickarrow in [info]doors


[Callum's handwriting is small and crowded, letters varying between upper and lower case in no predictable pattern]

Vegas, huh.

Seems better in the brochures.

[info]apracticalman in [info]doors

Noah B, Clare J, Simon C, Elias M

[Group Lock to Noah B and Clare J]

[written in Micah's narrow handwriting]

1. Whomever is leaving lights on and leaving - I will remove the lightbulbs, if I must. Please turn the lights off when you go.

2. I propose a group meal at some point this week. My apologies for not being home as of late, but I would be willing to cook dinner for the lot of us this week if we can decide on a time.

Clare: I saw a post on the local CraigsList of someone getting rid of some furniture. I left the ad on your door.

[Group Lock to Noah B and Simon C]

The club has an opening in a couple weeks. I signed us up as a possibility. Are we interested in a paid gig?

[Locked to Elias M]

I haven't talked to you lately. Are you doing well?

[info]nottherobin in [info]doors


[locked to luke h./batman & roger d./robin]

Okay so, I know guys are bus I wouldn't let you know if So. We may or may not have gotten some unexpected visitors at the Manor.

[info]whitandpleasure in [info]doors

[Public;; As Lizzy Midford]

Oh dear. This is not how I left the Manor. Ciel will be upset when he comes back. The staff seems to have gone on holiday.