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April 9th, 2012

[info]madameroyal in [info]doors


Is there some sort of American tradition that on Easter Sunday, one goes streaking?

Because I just saw some one run fully nude through the lobby of the Wynn when I was coming back from dinner.

However, he had not risen.

[info]doomed_love in [info]doors


[Public; Bailey T]

Is it just me, or is the fountain at the Bellagio just asking for people to go skinny dipping in it?

[info]cantstartafire in [info]doors

As Anton S. to Iris R.


You know that awkward stand-off to see who would pick up the phone first, even though we both know damn well how to find the other. And we both know damn well the other is somewhere near. Everything is all tip toes and almost dialing the number? Well it has come to an end.

Hello, Iris.

[info]demonshead in [info]doors


[OOC: Giving credit where credit is due]

weit the titanic was reel? i thot it was jst a moovie.

[info]themosthappi in [info]doors

[Courier Deliveries for Dani S, Ben S]

[Courier Delivery to Dani S.]
A sealed courier envelope is delivered to Dani's home. The envelope contains a cashier's check for $35,000 and a note

Dear Ms. Sullivan,

Thank you so much for your services. The man who attacked me has been removed, so there will be no further need for your services. Please accept this check for services rendered and a bonus for your hard work.

Elizabeth Raleigh

[Courier Delivery to Ben S.]
A sealed courier envelope is delivered to Ben's home. The envelope contains a cashier's check for $50,000 and a note

Dear Ben,

Thank you so much for everything. The police informed me today that the man who attacked me was found dead in a hotel room over the weekend. Please accept this for your time as well as a bonus. Please let me know if I can ever be of assistance.


[info]ex_published349 in [info]doors

[Public] and [Batman, Catwoman, Lois]

[Batman, Catwoman, Lois Lane]

[Obviously unaware two-thirds are busy elsewhere.]

There are still some inmates missing, but it looks like they're repairing the walls.

I am still waiting on an explanation.


I haven't seen anything on the journals, there has been no developments in [...] Marvel?