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April 3rd, 2012

[info]the_huntress in [info]doors


Germanium sample damaged by doping with gallium ions. Flash lamp annealing allows for repair, but a more stable structure is needed.


Shows promise.


Does anyone have a spare subatomic physicist they are not in need of?

[info]agoodman in [info]doors

[Text to Lizzy R.]

[Text to Lizzy R, directly following this]

As soon as I have your address, I'll be on my way there.

[info]thesavior in [info]doors

Locked: Avengers and Friends

[Because of course Natasha crossed over the first second she could. Posted as Natasha R.]

[Locked to: Tony S, Pepper P, Steve R, Thor, Sif, Bruce B]

Sorry I couldn't help out with the bug problem. I'm at SHIELD headquarters now, but I've seen no sign of Director Fury or Coulson or Hill. Can't find Hawkeye either. Your guess is as good as mine as to who's in charge now.

[info]silverandsteel in [info]doors

[Locked to Spider-man and "Avengers+" (Tony S., Pepper P., Steve R., Thor, Sif, Bruce B.).]

Spider-man, People with Aspirations to Avenge. People with Aspirations to Avenge: Spider-man. Nice to meet everyone.

I got a tip about someone named Hank Pym being a problem on this side. Now I don't... really know who that is, but I have vague rememberings like I should, and one of them makes me think of bugs.

And bugs make me think of little robots that like to chew up my secretary.

No offense, Spidey.

[info]soundofwings in [info]doors

Wayne Manor (Bruce W, Damian W), Catwoman

[For the most part, the signs of Alfred's presence are subtle - The Manor seems a bit tidier, a bit more "at ease" (as much as a house can be). Laundry has been done and returned to drawers and wardrobes. The refrigerator has been stocked with things that are simple enough to grab and eat, even for those that cannot or will not cook. In the freezer, there are single-portion meals that have already been prepared and frozen (sized for a teenager and full-grown man that both burn through food at a ridiculous rate). Down in the cave, things sit in slightly more logical places, and equipment has been tended to.

Then there are a few more obvious signs. In Damian's room, there is a new, larger hamper that sits near the bed so that he'll see (and use!) it. In the bottom is a small plush toy - a robin with a sticky note with a smile and "From: -I". Never let it be said she doesn't have a sense of humor.

Finally, down in the cave there is a new bookshelf - one that was purchased from an IKEA (not a store you would happen to find in Gotham). It holds as much Batman-related comics, movies, books, and other material as Iris and Alfred were able to bring across in one go. Much of it is digitized and burned to CD. It's a gift of sorts - not her own material, as she kept that for herself, though she's done her best to transfer notes and comment flags where she could. There are also paper copies of the notes she's made in the journal, hole-punched and stored in a binder. Another sticky note, this one with a longer note in Iris' handwriting:

Only reference. You're in a world all your own now. Go forward, not back. -I]


[Locked to "Catwoman"]

Miss Kyle,

At the risk of bringing your wrath down upon Wayne Manor, may I inquire as to whether your current need of a fence is due to a loss here again that I should be looking for? I have not yet noticed anything amiss, though I do like to be prepared.


[info]notanadvantage in [info]doors


[Posted anonymously.]

[Locked to the Cimmerian Anon]
Are you there?

[info]laminette in [info]doors

Silver M, Adam W, Simon C

[After her conversation with MK.]

[Text to Silver M]
Which of you is here right now?

[Locked to Adam W]
We haven't talked in a very Hi, Adam. MK said you were in town.

[Locked to Alice H]
My Maman used to tell me that bad times came on the breeze, and that you could sense them coming. Alice, I think we're in for bad times.

[info]shallmovehell in [info]doors


[posted anonymously.]

I'm looking for two people.

To the dear girl who was afraid to go down those stairs - did you ever manage it? Or did the idea of uncertainty best you?

And to the girl looking for her wolf - still whole and hale? More's the pity if that's the case.

[info]apracticalman in [info]doors


Someone at the masquerade was good with a knife and left a few marks behind. I'd like to know who.

[info]toberuled in [info]doors

locked to thor

[The runes appear on the page as if they have been burned there. The first, Othala, has been crossed out, but the original rune is still visible. Below it are Hagalaz and Nauthiz.]
Tags: ,

[info]snownotstark in [info]doors

public, maren w.

[Sometime after being released from the hospital, despite Jon insisting that it's 'unwise'.]

[Posted anonymously]

I'm looking for whoever became a panther at the masquerade. Big, nasty claws, wanted to eat people?

[Locked to Maren W.]

[...] Hey.