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January 1st, 2015

[info]irking in [info]blackpoint

Happy New Year! Now point me in the direction of the bubbly.

[info]perfectioniste in [info]blackpoint

who Adam Young & Jackie Whittemore
what Adam's New Year's Surprise.
when NYE 2015
where NYC briefly, then Big Ben, London.
rating/status Complete! Mostly G.

New Year’s in New York is so cliché. )

[info]mccalled in [info]blackpoint

posted on instagram )

[info]staypositive in [info]blackpoint


Hello, there! I'm Agent Jemma Simmons, but most just call me Simmons. I've never been pulled through to another world before, let alone a parallel universe, and while I'm familiar with the multiverse theories that are floating around out there actually being cognizant of being in one is something entirely different. Now, I could have gone without the dip in the ocean, but how exciting!

[info]charmprincess in [info]blackpoint

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all have a prosperous year ahead.

I've heard that it's customary to eat corned beef and cabbage, but that just sounds awful, so instead, this weekend, I'm going to have a Chopped-esque party for anyone who'd like to come.

[info]teenwolfie in [info]blackpoint

WHO: Petra Hale & Scott McCall
WHERE: NYC, NY: Petra’s Coffee Shop
WHEN: December 30th, 2014 (Backdated)
WHAT: Petra and Scott finally talk about the thing between them and come to a conclusion.
STATUS: Complete

If you do, you can try giving me that ‘you’re such a good person’ speech with a stiletto through your throat. )

[info]greycounsel in [info]blackpoint

I take it that libations are expected in acknowledgement of the new year.

[info]swordofjedi in [info]blackpoint

Who: Ezra Greenberg & Jaina Solo
When: Jan 1st, someetimeee in the afternoon?
Where: Jaina’s training gym.
What: A whole lotta UST and a little RST and dorks being dorks.
Rating: PG.

’I learned from the best how to give meaningful and cocky advice’ )

[info]kenwu in [info]blackpoint

Seventeen days until the U.S. Figure Skating Championships in North Carolina. I think I'm going to be sick. If you want tickets to see it live, let me know. I'll be the one winning the men's singles.

[info]swaned in [info]blackpoint

posted on instagram )

[info]positivity in [info]blackpoint

I appreciate the whole 'whisking away to safety and out of assassin's reach' thing, for sure, and the impromptu vacation's a nice touch, but this is kind of crap timing ultimately.

[ OOC: Hey, it's a swapped Greenberg who is also an emissary, coming from "Monstrous!" See her journal for more info. ]