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Nov. 11th, 2013



[After this.]


Nov. 4th, 2013



[Punctuation? That's a sober concept.]

parties arent always supposed to hurt
Tags: ,

Oct. 31st, 2013


[Locked to Marvel Door]

Hello. I'm Dr. Bruce Banner. I was told I've been here before and there's people I know around.

Oct. 29th, 2013


[Public, Ben S]


I think that's the first party that I've gone to that I didn't walk away worse off than I started. Thank you to... the cowboy? I think that's what you were.

[Locked to Ben S]

Did you survive? Or did you even go?

Oct. 28th, 2013


Lestat, I'd ask for your phone number but I'm still planning on superseding science(??) and mystery doors and marrying Thor.

But you've got great hair.


Don't be alarmed ;)


[Public, Barber anon]

[Sloppily written, rather than typed.]

So is everyone alive or whatever?

[Locked to the Barber anon]
Better than last time or worse?




A few questions.

1. What's a jaeger?
2. What the fuck was that?
3. I need a drink.
4. I know that's not a question.
5. Stop being the question police.



I know you all were just dying to check under my loincloth.

Oct. 18th, 2013


[Callie N, Sam A, Ben S]

[Locked to Callie N]

I'm going to have to do that again, I think. Thank you for the invite.

[Text to Sam A]

Hey you.

[Locked to Ben S]

I'm going to need a bigger bed if both of our pups want to sleep with me at night sometimes. They nearly pushed me out onto the floor last night.

Oct. 17th, 2013


Okay people, Dino's Bar has a happy hour special today, and a free song for every drink bought. Or just come for the awkward garbled singing and a Coke. I'll be working the bar, so come say hi if you want to. Although I know some people here prefer to stay mostly anon.

Oct. 11th, 2013


Ben S

[Locked to Ben S]

Want to hear my news?
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Oct. 2nd, 2013


Liam R, Shailee T, Sam A, Public

[Locked to Liam R]

Hey, you got a card in the mail today. Happy Birthday?

[Locked to Shailee T]

What do you think about doing something this weekend?

[Sam A]

Hey you.


Best part of the storms being over? Sandless runs.

Sep. 26th, 2013



[Locked to Loki]

The kvidr has decided to charge you for your crimes against Jotunheim and Midgard without consideration to your change in age. I am sorry, brother
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Sep. 24th, 2013


Sam A, Ben S, Public

[Locked to Sam A]

I'm sure Ben told you, but I'm back in. Got checked in this morning. Don't know how long it'll be this time. But. Yeah.

[Locked to Ben S]

Thanks. For everything. I really mean it.


I don't like the kind of routines I'm developing in this city.

Sep. 22nd, 2013


Sam A, Shai

[After this.]

[Locked to Sam A.]

He's going back to rehab.

[Locked to Shai]

Going to have to put that conversation off for another day.

Sep. 16th, 2013


[Ben S]

[Locked to Ben S]

[After this.] Baby, you got things covered with Liam?

Sep. 15th, 2013



I have been staring at a blank Word document for the last three hours. Though, to be fair, it hasn't always been blank. Sentences appear only to be deleted in a fit of frustration.

They make the life of a writer out to be so glamourous. They leave out things like this.

Sep. 14th, 2013


Anaïs M, Shailee T, Public

[Locked to Anaïs M]

Did you find your door?

[Locked to Shailee T]

So, apparently there's a rumor going around that I'm a nice guy.


Carnivals aren't just for kids.

Sep. 13th, 2013



[After a double-shift in almost two weeks of long shifts with no day off. And yes, she realizes the irony of recently lecturing someone about the importance of taking days off. Early morning after she gets shorted on her percentage of the money she brought in.]

Fuck this. I'm not doing this any more. This is fucking Las Vegas, there has to be some other shitty stage that I can shake my ass on for cash.

SWF, tattooed, ISO strip club that doesn't dick me out of what I've earned, doesn't short-staff every shift ever, and gives me a fucking day off once in a while.

Sep. 11th, 2013


[Sam A]

Hey lady.

[Donovan brats]

So a funny thing happened on the way to LA.


Hello again.

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