March 2014




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Jan. 29th, 2014


Ronan X, Liam R, Callie N

[Locked to Ronan X]

Hey you.

[Locked to Liam R]

So. February. Valentine's Day.

[Locked to Callie N]

Thank you for contacting Thor that day. I don't know if I ever told you.

Jan. 28th, 2014



[Text link to!/taylorvrile/broadcast]

Starting with Blow Me.

I'll go for the next hour or so, come tell me what you want.


which came first the melancholy or the key to the hotel?

if it’s the initiation ritual

I sit here
drunk now.
I am
a series of
small victories
and large defeats
and I am as
as any other
I have gotten
from there to
without committing murder
or being
having ended up in the

Jan. 26th, 2014


Liam R, Callie N

[Text to Liam R]

Any news?

[Text to Callie N]

Earl wants an ax. I can't count all the ways this is not going to happen.

Jan. 23rd, 2014



[As Isobel H]

I feel like I joined the club at the wrong time.

Jan. 20th, 2014


Public, Louis D, Wren H, 'Ash anon'


The news isn't very good. At being unbiased. Is that Vegas? Or just the channels?

[Louis D]

[At circa two am] I thought perhaps you might not be sleeping.

[Wren H]

I had a call. Client. Ex-client, really. She said she liked your work. Recommendations. You have a dark-room now?

['Ash' anon]

St Petersburg Philharmonic. It's not now. Not until March. But tickets will go. And they start now. You like old things.


Public, Iris M

[It isn't until he arrives at his office on Monday morning and cracks open the newspaper that he finds out what happened over the weekend.]



[It's plainly visible, only with a smudge through it.]

[Iris M]

Are you still at the Precinct?

Jan. 16th, 2014


[Locked to Ben S/Thor]

Ben? Thor? Can either/both of you see this? It's Callie, I need your help.

[Lock to Jack R]

I need your

[ooc: crossed out, never posted]



Let it be known that excited puppies and crutches don't get along.



How many shifts at Starbucks do you think equals one tattoo removal?


[as Cassie S]

[DC Door: JL + Allies]
Wonder Girl reporting in.

[Tim D]

[Diana P]


Why don't Clark & Kara know who I am??

[Bruce W]
I heard. I know you've heard the "I'm sorry" thing all over the place, so I'm not going to add to that. So instead I'm just going to say that I know what it's like to lose someone, and if you need to punch something, I can hold a bad guy or a bag or some bricks or anything up for you.

Jan. 14th, 2014


[Batfam and Wondy]

Kara is with me, she is safe. We're processing next steps.

I am truly truly sorry for what transpired and that I could not get to her sooner. Anything I can do to help rectify the damage that was done, you know I will.

[Bruce W/Clark K]

I'm going to be spending some time at Sanctuary - not my favorite location - but I think it is best just for the time being. We're going to be working on some alternative methods of stress relief.

Bruce, I am truthfully sorry for what happened in your city, you are my best friend - and I respect you. If you need us to leave, please feel free to be honest.

[Diana P]

Kara is with me.


Public, anonymously

[Public, anon]

I'm looking for whoever's got Superman.

Jan. 13th, 2014


kara z., jason t., batfam+

[locked to kara z.]

[After this and during her conversation with Eddie.]


[locked to jason t.]

[Obliviously unaware of what's going on Vegas-side, obviously.] Kara is losing her shit, and we've got to do something.

ETA: [locked to the batfam+]

[Also during her convo with Eddie.] Who's up for some good fun clean-up? The GPD is kind of in shambles right now, and they'll need all the help they can get.

Jan. 11th, 2014


Callie N

[Locked to Callie N]

I need my-ex-won't-go-away relief. Are you working?

Jan. 9th, 2014


[Locked to Batfam]

I'm going on patrol tonight if anyone wants to get out for a bit.

Otherwise let me know if I can bring anything back later.

[Added lock to Superman/Clark]

Clark, hi, it's Tim. We haven't really gotten a chance to talk. I'm one of the Robins. Jason told me that Kara found out about Damian, and he's worried about what she'll do. But he's also worried that she might react badly if someone approaches her. So if you could check in on her, we'd really appreciate it.

Jan. 8th, 2014



Well, I'm not going to be running for a while.

Jan. 5th, 2014


public as anon, jack r

[Locked to Jack R]

How are you holding up?

[Public, Anonymous]

Do you ever just want to go "No, I'm not walking through that door again"? Has anyone tried that?


[public; as haley k]

So, being one of the new kids around here, I figure I should probably introduce myself. Unless this is like high school where the teacher makes you talk about yourself and no one actually cares about what the geeky girl in glasses is talking about. Which is probably the case, actually. But I've come too far to go back now. Sooo I'll just keep going on the off-chance that someone is actually reading.

I'm Haley Kenealy. I'm 28 and I'm a video game designer. I'd been living out in California for the last ten years, but just got transferred to Vegas for my work. My great loves include video games, surfing tumblr, marathoning TV shows on netflix, chinese takeout, reading buzzfeed, and watching cute animal videos on you tube. If you like talking about Sci-Fi, Fantasy, gaming, or pop-culture in general, I'm your girl.

Also I have another person living in my brain. So there's that. What's up, Las Vegas?

Jan. 2nd, 2014



There's tea in the Manor kitchen and a new batch of shortbread. The lot of you are welcome to it.

[Bruce W]

Master Bruce. You must come out at some point.

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