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May. 23rd, 2013



Is there anyone on the other side of the doors from a place called Ebon Askavi? Or Kaeleer in general? Or [...] Hell? Or anywhere near those places? I've got a very pushy man in my head who is looking for his family. And he is now telling me not to make him sound pushy. Okay, I take it back he's not pushy. (He's totally pushy)

And since I'm here I should probably tell everyone who knows me - and apparently all you lovely people who don't (don't care, big day!) - I had a baby this morning. And now I can't sit still. She's kind of perfect. And squishy. Not unlike her mother. HA.

Bacon time.

May. 22nd, 2013


[Max M]

[After she's taken a shower and has been moving around upstairs for a while.] Hey, I'm going out. Be back later.

May. 20th, 2013


[Gabe R]

[A few hours after this, directly following Laura's shift at the shop. Texted with none of its usual sorts of errors.]

Friday is a no go.

May. 19th, 2013



[As Preston R.]

So far, not one of my belongings has managed to make it through the moving process in one piece. I should have just gone for all new.

May. 16th, 2013


Text: Laura D

[Text message: Laura D]

Things look to slow right down, Blossom. How about that drink I was going to buy you?

May. 15th, 2013


[Laura D]

[After this.]

[Locked to Laura D]
You can come home.

May. 10th, 2013


Laura D, Max M

text: Laura D

we'll need to move those plans to next week, Blossom.

[Locked: Max M]

He made a bid for freedom. Started talking what sounded like sense and then was gone. The comm's not picking up: he might be through the door and I don't like any of what's being talked about out there.

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