March 2014




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Feb. 2nd, 2014



[Locked to the Alexanders+ Lou and Iris]

[In heavy, childlike, messy crayon.] So, Shane has a girlfriend that draws lizards or whatever.


Harry O

[Locked to Harry O]

I'm guessing you don't mean electricity.

Jan. 31st, 2014


Joey A

[Joey A]

Even if I could afford an island, what makes you think your people would be willing to go there?


[Marvel door]

[Locked to Marvel door, minus Gwen Stacy]

Friends of Gwen? I need your help.


donovans + alexanders, ella d.

[donovan + alexander lock]

[...] Sam's awake.

[locked to ella d.]


Jan. 30th, 2014


Max "B", Michael K, Public

[Max "B"]

You're still alive over there, right? Before you get mad, I didn't mean to.

[Michael K]

How were the kitchens?


I'm pretty sure if you were any good at math you could guess how many houses were going up nearby by the number of people who ordered the full plate this morning.

Jan. 27th, 2014


[public, as tess a.]

What the fuck happened here?

(after the initial round of posting and when she arrives at the hospital)

Jan. 22nd, 2014


[locked to the donovans and alexanders]

[After this.]

Do you believe it now?

Jan. 20th, 2014



[After Iris is arrested and charged. Oh, so public.]

How much did you fuckers pay those witnesses to lie, huh?

Jan. 18th, 2014


[Neil D, Lin A, Joey A, Louis D, Shane A]

[Much later in the day. If writing can be tired, hers is. A small group lock, aiming for the people she hopes don't flat-out hate her.]

Is anyone allowed to tell me anything?

[After her first reply from Lin, she tries to be brave and adds Louis and Shane to the group lock.]


Joey A / Chloe M

[While waiting at the hospital.]

What did they ask you?


what the fuck happened to Sam?!

Jan. 16th, 2014


harry o.

[locked to harry o.]

[After this conversation, and after much deliberation, and after a couple of drinks.]

I'm still not talking to you.


Public, Dylan M, Luke H, Joey A

I thought the morning shift was clear of drunks. They just want to sleep more.

[Dylan M]

You can't be dead. Max isn't.

[Luke H]

Max told me.

[Joey A]

How are the baked goods?



[Public, Marvel]
[After this.]

Why are they spiders? Peter is The spiderbots can be caught and disassembled easily. They don't appear hostile, and they don't cause any tangible harm when apprehended. They seem to be surveillance devices, though I don't know enough about robotics to ascertain who they're relaying data to. Their sheer number is, however, disconcerting.

Jan. 14th, 2014


Shane, Joey, Neil, Lou

[Locked to Shane A, Joey A, Lou D, Neil D]
Hey, so we kind of have a fucking problem, yeah? [And she scribbles the URL to this.] I don't know if he fucking means it or whatever, but seeing as that entire family is fucking nuts.

Jan. 13th, 2014



Does anyone else find themselves worried about the effects their counterparts through the door have on them here?

For example. What if the person you have through the door isn't mentally stable? Has anyone found that's impacted them on this side?

[Shortly after this, the post gets struck out and no further responses are made.]

Jan. 7th, 2014


[Louis D, Call: Joey A]

[Also after this.]

[Locked to Louis D]
fucking tell me about yourself or whatever.

[Call: Joey A]


Joey A, Russ C, Louis D

[After this.]

[Group lock, Joey A and Russ C]
How fucked up are you two?

[Locked to Louis D]
Yeah, so you talked to Shane?

Jan. 1st, 2014


Harry O, Mary Jane W

[Group lock: Harry O, Mary Jane W]

I don't even know if it matters anymore, but I think Peter's gone again.

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