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Jun. 9th, 2012


Posted from Caroline F

So what exactly is this? Weird little CEO girl just wanders through the door and I get to hang out in Mystic Falls? Really? That makes no sense whatsoever. And where is everyone? And what is the point of walking through the door at all if no one is even going to be around to see? This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of in my life. Vegas is on the other side and I can't even enjoy it.

Whatever. I'm getting chips. I'm starving.

Jun. 5th, 2012



[Westerbergs + that Raegan girl they're related to]

Any of the dogs come back, Maren?

I sent that horse out to a rescue with that check money, but I think your crazy sumbitch uncle is trying to buy me, Raegan. Tell him I'm not for sale. Unless the [...] apakalyps spent all his money.

Jun. 1st, 2012


[Public, as Hayden M.]

Oh, this is charming.

A little place to gather and chat. And whine, apparently, in the case of some of you miserable people. Going on and on about how hard things are. Try dying then you can talk.

May. 30th, 2012


Hunter W, Neil D, Liam R

[Locked to Hunter]
[He's seen the name "Hunter" floating around, and he isn't so naive to think that it's a common name, especially not with the last initial. It takes a good deal of thinking about it, but he finally writes, his name coming through at Zee C.]

H, that you?

[Locked to Neil and Liam, since he's already talked to Sam. Anonymous.]
Pleased to meet you and thanks for helping out my girl Meg. Everyone back to what counts as normal?

May. 28th, 2012


Hunter W, Maren W, Reagan H

[Group Lock]

This is about a decade too late, but I hope the lot of you are fine.


Cory H, Louis D, Kate D, Public

[Locked to Cory H/Arthur]
Make it through, man?

[Locked to Louis D]
Let me guess, you're hiding somewhere and avoiding me.

[Locked to Kate D]
You're adorable when you're an impossible teenager, Katie. Doing alright?

[Not bothering with the whole anon thing.]
I'm looking for some guy from the hotel. That's probably the pick up line today, huh? Just call me Lucky.

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