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October 2nd, 2013

[info]alittlered in [info]doors

adam w., sam a., public

[locked to adam w.]

[Slowly.] Busy right now?

[locked to sam a.]

[Just as slow.] Hi, babydoll.


Where's the good parties on the Strip these days?

[info]agoodman in [info]doors

Liam R, Shailee T, Sam A, Public

[Locked to Liam R]

Hey, you got a card in the mail today. Happy Birthday?

[Locked to Shailee T]

What do you think about doing something this weekend?

[Sam A]

Hey you.


Best part of the storms being over? Sandless runs.

[info]spacecowboys in [info]doors

[Luke H]

[Call to Luke H]

[About fifteen minutes after this. Ring.]

[info]doorsanon in [info]doors

[News: Gotham]

[Wednesday morning hails the opening of New Arkham Asylum. The Arkham family's mansion set on a small island outside of Gotham was refitted for the purposes of an asylum over the past five months with all the high tech equipment needed to keep in the criminally insane. The facility looks clean, new and is separated into different wings. The more dangerous criminals are to never leave their cells and are placed under high security, while a patient who is less likely to eat another man's face is allowed to use the common room, the garden and other therapeutic amenities.

The new warden is Doctor Joan Leland, former warden of Arkham City. She holds a press conference explaining the importance of mental health and states she wants her patients to be treated with dignity and care. Edward Nigma and Jonathan Crane are the first to be transferred and Leland states that she has high hopes for both men.

Arkham City's name is changed to Blackgate City and remains open.]

[info]soundofwings in [info]doors

[Jack R.]

[After a number of days at the facility where she doesn't leave for the hotel because she has no "chaperone".]

Dr. Roman?

[info]ex_thisismym190 in [info]doors

liam r, jack r., public

[Locked to Liam R]

News in Callie land: I finally figured out who the guy in my head is. Also have Kokomo stuck in my head for unrelated reasons.

News in Liam land: ???

[Locked to Dr. Jack R]

How's your voicebox working out, Hal 9000?


Who here knows a Castiel?

[info]upintheclouds in [info]doors

[Closed Comm to Max M]

Knock, knock.

[info]doorsanon in [info]doors

News: Las Vegas

[Late Monday night, the news is flooded with reports of the Las Vegas Police Department responding to a riot at an abandoned warehouse in the industrial section of Las Vegas. Several ambulances are called to the scene to take a number of injured people to local hospitals. Initial reports talk about an underground fight club that had been operating within the city for some time. Eye-witness reports say that a fight broke out between two members of the club and soon escalated into a full-blown riot in the warehouse where the evening’s fights were being held.

Social media outlets are swarming with pictures and video of the fight and ensuing riot. People talk about how wild and vicious it was, and the pictures certainly support those words. No names are listed, but faces are clearly visible in the pictures with no effort made to obscure them. One video in particular, lasting about 30 seconds, shows a young man being beaten, the crowd divided between cheering and yelling at them to stop. ‘He’s not moving!’ can be heard being screamed by one onlooker, shortly before the video pans in to a shot of the man laying prone on the ground just before the video cuts out.

No names or further details are being released to the public, pending a full investigation.]

[info]cantbehave in [info]doors


The next time I get out of bed before noon on a Sunday, the person I'm supposed to meet had better show up. Remus Lupin, you're on notice.

[info]onerule in [info]doors

call to nell m.

[In the hours following this, very early morning.]


[info]putonthetights in [info]doors

[locked to spidey kids, neil d]

[locked to spidey kids]

I'm alive. Who missed me? Aside from me, obviously.

[locked to neil d]

[After this.]

Heyyyyyyy. We don't know each other but I want to pass on a message to you. Awkward, but kind of important.