March 2014



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September 29th, 2013

[info]afrit in [info]doors

[Jan F]

[After this, and after calling the 911 to report an assault on his brother at Green Door.]

[Call to Jan F]

[info]raider in [info]doors


[As someone learns how to use his new journal.]

Hello? Hello? How do I even use this fuc--thing? Hello? Is it even on? Hel--

[info]afrit in [info]doors

[Iris R, Neil D]

[Call to Iris R]
[At the facility, after looking through Toby's office, and after a very long and sleepless night. Ring.]

[Locked to Neil D]
[After talking to Iris.] My name's March, and we don't know each other, but I'm Toby's brother. Now, I had a chat with Iris, and she says Toby hasn't done a thing to her. She didn't seem real inclined to defend your girlfriend neither, when I told her what you claimed, and my brother says your girlfriend invited him for sex, and that she's the one that was coming on hard to him. He says she was all willing and messing around with him, when you came and got violent. Now, seems to me that the decent thing to do is retract your police report, seeing as he's the one in the hospital with a busted nose, and he didn't do a damn thing wrong but get messed up with your girl.

[info]ex_brother217 in [info]doors

Sam A

[Locked to Sam A, a day or so after admittance to the hospital.]


[info]soundofwings in [info]doors

[October F.]

[Several hours after March calls her.]

Dr. Fischer?

[info]ephemeras in [info]doors

[Daniel W & Lin A]

[Locked to Daniel W & Lin A, together]
[Immediately after this, while still locked in the bedroom.] I fucked up. I fucked up, and I don't think Neil's going to want to fix it, but I need him to fix it.

[info]toberuled in [info]doors

[locked to gwen s, remus l, flash t]

[Locked to each separately.]

I have been called back to Asgard to account for my actions in a [...] trial. I am not sure when I will be back.