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September 17th, 2013

[info]blondebat in [info]doors

eddie n., cass c., public

[locked to eddie n.]

[Another recording. This one isn't a poem, but a rambling clip about her day. Banal things like her economics class, the walk she and Matilda had, how Frankie's working on a picture for him. Clearly trying her best to pretend like everything's normal, even if her voice gets a little strained at moments. Especially towards the end. She ends with a desperate sort of I love you before she can burst into tears.]

[locked to cass c.]

I'm doing a pizza roll and ice cream run.


I don't know if I'm cut out for prison-girlfriend lifestyle.

[info]ex_brother217 in [info]doors

Sam A, Jack R

[Locked to Sam A]

When you've a moment, can we talk?

[Locked to Jack R]

I may have a problem.

[info]ahalfblood in [info]doors


Yes, the words 'magic' and witchcraft' are included the name of the course. No, this does not mean I'll be teaching spells of any kind during or after class, nor will prior knowledge of Harry Potter benefit you in any way.

It should be noted that this is a fourth year course. This morning I wept into my coffee for the future of humanity.

[info]cantbehave in [info]doors

[Public - posted from Nathan R]

This is [...] different.

[info]riddlethem in [info]doors


Anyone else currently stuck in the magic hotel? Want to help me scavenge for drinks?

[info]muchness in [info]doors

[Dylan M]

[Call to Dylan M]

[The day they're supposed to meet at the carnival. Ring.]

[info]willpower in [info]doors

Bats, Ollie, Dinah

[Locked to Batman]

Do we have a way in yet?

[Locked to Ollie]

Still okay in there?

[Locked to Dinah]
[During his conversation with Bats]

Wanna go play in a cave?

[info]doorsanon in [info]doors

[News: Las Vegas]

[Late Tuesday, the winds that kicked up days earlier change. There's minimal warning before the dust starts whirring in, turning the main strip and adjacent areas of Las Vegas into something straight from a 1930s dust bowl. Power is knocked out throughout the city, but the casinos and tourist areas continue to function on emergency and backup generators. The carnival outside of town is, strangely, completely unaffected, and local residents flock there in search of good weather outside the dusty perimeter. Driving is not recommended, since visibility is only a few feet and the dust is bitingly painful against the skin, but public transportation continues to run, albeit slowly, and hotels and casinos are booming. Weather reports predict days of the dusty desert onslaught, and the city hunkers down and prepares for life by candlelight for the time being.]

[info]ex_published349 in [info]doors

[Locked, from Henry d.]

[Locked to Rose.]

I'm in one of the cellars this time. It's locked or stuck. I must have been something small.

[Sam A.]

I have lost your gift. I apologize. I am certain I will find it again. You have not seen it in the hall?

[info]skree in [info]doors

Oliver Q

[During this conversation]

[Locked: Oliver Q]
