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September 8th, 2013

[info]jazzhands in [info]doors


[With bad penmanship.]

What do you call 5 siths piled on top of a lightsaber?

[info]predacious in [info]doors

Chloe M., Public

[Locked to Chloe M.]

I talked to our parents. Our sister is supposedly in Britain, receiving treatment for a psychiatric disorder at an unknown location because the dear fucking American won't tell them where.

[Locked to Nicholas S.]

The light in my kitchen turns on every morning at five minutes past daybreak. Wishful thinking or something more?


I seem to have adopted two kittens. They were playing behind the house the other day and brought inside, but seem to believe that this is now their home. I've inquired of the neighbors, but no one has lost any and since I am not depriving any soul of their playful pets, I'm of a mind to let them stay.

[info]plagiaristic in [info]doors

Public, Louis D, Wren H


Air-con died. Remind me, people who've been here long. Things you like about Vegas? Aside from the heat.

[Louis D]

Are you all right? Better. Perhaps not all right.

[Wren H]

I ordered a new box of paper. For printing. And I checked. The chemicals. It's fine.

[info]flearidden in [info]doors


I haven't been here, what did I miss?

[info]crimsonstar in [info]doors

[Private to James Potter]

I need to tell you something. Something you probably won't like. It's about her, Bellatrix. I...I don't know exactly how to tell you, either.
[/end private]

[Private to Draco Malfoy]

Draco, keep me far away from your aunt, got it?]


[Added in after the first two comments from James, message to Lily Evans and Remus Lupin]

Um. hi. I that I want to share with James, but I...don't know how he'll react to it. It's not nice or good news, that's for certain. It's to do with Bellatrix.

[info]miscissy in [info]doors

[Private to James P.]
[The cottage looks as if it was ransacked by a very, very picky thief. Only a couple necessary items have been taken.]

Potter. Thank you for the robes and hospitality. I must take my leave so that I may keep my ducklings in a row. I still insist we meet our children together. I'll be in Hogsmeade if you need me.

[A couple sketches of the interior of Three Broomsticks Inn. Mostly of her cherry syrup and soda with its umbrella.]

[info]truth in [info]doors


There are some days where it would be entirely too easy to let things get me down.

But I realised something. When people say hurtful things, when they try to blame you for everything that is wrong in their lives, they are only looking for someone to hate. And hatred takes up a lot of energy, energy that would better be spent on laughing and loving and enjoying life.

So I can either spend my energy on people that don't like me or I can spend my energy on the people that really matter, on the things that matter. One's a better use of my time than the other, I think.