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July 28th, 2013

[info]milliner in [info]doors


I am glad there are still gentlemen around who will stay with someone when they need them to. I was beginning to think the world had been repopulated with self-centered assholes.

[info]caelrox in [info]doors

Public, Sam A.

I don't really want to go to any more of those parties. Everything worked out in the end, after getting out of that. I guess I learned something at least. I think that's what I'm supposed to say. I'd still take it all back if I could. No offense meant to anyone. I'm just ridiculously happy right where I am. Maybe I don't ruin everything I touch.

I called my mother, thinking I should go for a visit. Chay could come with me, but Mom would try to bleed him out of money. Fuck it, he's coming. We have some time before going back out to the mastodon site since it's too damn hot to breathe out there.

[Private to Sam A.]
How are you doing?

[info]strawed in [info]doors


There is nothing quite like the feeling of giving of yourself to another person, only to have that person turn their back on you with no warning.

And to do so over the journals. Or perhaps by a note.

Where have manners gone nowadays? Is it so hard to look a person in the face, to meet their gaze, and say 'thank you, but my time here is done?', or has this world spawned a bunch of cowards?

Interesting times we live in.

[info]onerule in [info]doors

wren h.

[text to wren h.]


Jack is He said Max thinks that I just broke up a fight between Caesar and Elvis. Prepare yourself. I might just become a Youtube sensation.

[info]ex_brother217 in [info]doors

[Eddie N]

[In the wake of this]

[Locked to Eddie N]

I've a message for you.

[info]kryptonslast in [info]doors

[Locked to Ollie Q and Bruce W just for good measure]

After hearing about this

Is my cousin currently incarcerated in Gotham City?

[info]riddlethem in [info]doors

[JLA Comm]

[Riddler beep. Yes he has his own beep. It goes beep ba beep bop which is nerd for y'all fucked up.]

Queen it's wabbit season, not super teenage girl. Wabbit season.

[Private to Stephanie Brown]

[Noticeably not on their special comm]

I'm not going to ask if you missed me because I see a lack of frantic "where is my boyfriend?" posts on the journals. Hood's going to storm the government. Stop him before he gets ganked.

[info]thelazarus in [info]doors

[locked to bruce w]

Hey, newsflash, your kid's a real asshole and I'm sick of being the one who tries to beat that out of him. Your turn. And while you're at it, tell him to stop being a fuckstick to Kara. I don't even know why I bothered with this bullshit.

[info]thelazarus in [info]doors


[From Red Hood.]

Hey. Queen. I've got a bone to pick.

[info]doorsanon in [info]doors

[News: Gotham]

[During this, Gotham PD is called to the site of an altercation outside soon-to-open Arkham City. Early reports claim that the perpetrator is Kryptonian, and SWAT teams have no luck bringing the girl down. In the end, the news lauds Green Arrow for his quick and decisive action in taking down Supergirl and protecting the city from the threat the Kryptonians present.]

[info]willpower in [info]doors

Ollie Q

[Also after this.]

So the ring tells me there's a second alien life form on Earth and when I get down here, I hear you have her.