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May 1st, 2013

[info]doorsanon in [info]doors

[News: Gotham]

[Early Wednesday morning, during the morning commute, low-flying planes pass above Gotham City. The city is abuzz as to their purpose and who they belong to, but several broadcasts on the news stations ensure the population that the planes are part of an effort in the city to eliminate a certain type of bug that has been threatening the local ash tree population. The chemicals, the reports claim, are an all-natural formulation that poses no threat to humans or animals, so the city is encouraged to continue about their daily activities.

By afternoon, reports of strange behavior start filtering into local police stations, hospitals get their first patients, and reports of unexplained violence start overtaking the local television stations.]

[info]doorsanon in [info]doors

[News: Gotham]

[Wednesday evening, the first reports of death start to trickle through the news. The victims are five high school seniors on their way back from a sporting event. The vehicle they were traveling in crashed into a concrete divider on the interstate, and crash investigators estimate that the vehicle was going over 100 mph at the time of impact. While their names have yet to be released to the public, initial reactions are shocked. Responsible, hard-working, eager for their college life to begin in the fall, these are not the sort of people who engage in this kind of risky behavior. Officials are waiting for reports from the medical examiner's office before any more information will be released.]

[info]soundofwings in [info]doors


[As Death.]

And so it begins again.

[info]spacecowboys in [info]doors

[Luke H]

[About twelve hours after the toxin exposure, once Selina gets kicked.]

[Call to Luke H]

[info]ofcain in [info]doors

sam w., castiel

[locked to sam w.]

Making up your own punchlines, huh?

[locked to castiel.]

You still around?

[info]thelazarus in [info]doors

[locked to dc door minus villains/locked to batfam]

[Locked to DC Door Minus Villains]

People are acting weird and we had low-flying planes near the city, plus a recent threat from a super villain known to be fond of poison. If you don't have a gas mask already, invest in one.


There's a crate with gas masks in it in the cave. Come down here and grab one if you don't have one with you.