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April 23rd, 2013

[info]muchness in [info]doors

[Bo D, Matilda H, Luke H]

[A series of phone calls from an unlisted, encrypted number.]

[Voicemail for Bo D]
Legs? We either have two really big problems, or one really big problem, and one personal problem. I'm out of pocket for the next two days, but I'll be back in touch midweek. Have Reed fill you in about Mexico by then, and we can regroup about safety measures. The FBI agent on loan, McKendrick, is holed up with me, so I'm sticking Hartell on checking facts in Tijuana temporarily and handing her to Reed until I'm back. You probably already have my coordinates on your desk, seeing as I used the extraction line. Call me if you need anything.

[Voicemail for Matilda H]
Hartell, it's Main. Contact Reed for information about Tijuana, and your assignment. It's temporary, few days tops.

[Call to Luke H]

[info]fuadan in [info]doors

Encrypted phone call to Gabe R

[To the same number he used last time, with another burn phone.]

Ring, ring.

[info]the_huntress in [info]doors


I hate scorpions.

[info]onerule in [info]doors

laura d., jack c.

[After this.]

[locked to laura d.]

Hey, Laura. [...] Do you have a minute?

[locked to jack c.]

I got a hold of Max. Well, she called me, but

[info]antiqued in [info]doors

[Poison Ivy, Riddler]

[Locked to Poison Ivy]

So. Exactly how much do you love me, Ivy?

[Locked to Riddler]

What are your plans for the month of May?

[info]upintheclouds in [info]doors

[Batfamily +]

Sorry I haven't been on this side of the door, things came up Vegas side. Everyone still alive?

[Damian Wayne]

D, sorry I wasn't around. Bo on the other side left Vegas for almost a damn month. You ok?

[Bruce Wayne]

Hey. How are things?

[Jason Todd]

Hi, Jason.

[Barbara Gordon]

Hey I need some help.

[info]grandemauvais in [info]doors

[comm. to gabe r.]

[After this.]

[A brief flick, and then straight in, no waiting for him to indicate he's listening.] Assignment? Something about Tijuana?

[info]thelazarus in [info]doors

[comm to gabe r]

[After talking to Luke about Max.] I heard through the grapevine that I should get in contact with you. I assume you know what really happened?

[info]muchness in [info]doors

[Laura D, Dylan M]

[At Laura D's townhouse]
[She gives the kid three hours. When she confirms that Daniels isn't out of the townhouse by then, she phones it in. Plainclothes agents arrive a few minutes later. They provide no details, but they move Laura to a safe apartment in town, one where her name appears nowhere on the paperwork. If Laura refuses to go, they have paperwork indicating she has no choice but to leave the premises. They're not a chatty bunch, the plainclothes, but they'll give her time to get anything she needs to, before taking the most roundabout route possible to move her without being followed.]

[Call to Dylan M's hospital room]
[From a secure line, two floors down. Ring.]

[info]spacecowboys in [info]doors

[Luke H]

[Text to Luke H]
[From a new number.] There are baby chickens. I don't think I'm ever going to be able to get your son out of police preschool. Call me on your lunch break?