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April 15th, 2013

[info]pesadilla in [info]doors

[Neil D]

Directly after this: [Locked to Neil D]
So, Neil, he
Did you know that body h no. don't.
Hi, I know you don't know
Remember that time I told you to stfu

I spoke with Sam.

[info]rink in [info]doors


So. I found a cute little two bedroom in a nice area that I'm eyeing. I can afford it on my own, and as independent as I like to say that I am... an unfamiliar city would be loads more comfortable if I had a roommate.

Anyone interested?

[info]thesavior in [info]doors


[As Emma S.]

I'm in the middle of a magic forest in a freaking fairytale. I have no signal, but I see people updating. What the hell is going on?

[After a few minutes]

If anyone on here is in Storybrooke, please tell Henry I'm coming.

[info]handlewithcare in [info]doors

[Individual locks to Luke, Wren and Nell]

Back in Vegas. No more business trips, they're boring.

[Text to Will L.]

Can we buy a cookie factory?

[info]malus in [info]doors

Antons S; Ronan X.

[Locked: Anton S]
Living with someone half your age and being responsible for them is quite a novelty. How did you manage with your daughter?

[Locked: Ronan X]
I'm considering hiring someone to come by and prepare meals for us during the week. Is that something you'd like?

[info]skree in [info]doors

Public; Anton S; Sebastian V-P


Coachella was fun, but I think I'm ready to go a whole year without seeing hipsters in cut-offs and ripped up vintage t-shirts.

[Phone Call: Anton S]

Ring, ring

[Locked: Sebastian V-P]

I still can't get over how much fun that was. Oh, I called Anton's realtor. Does Wednesday work for you?

[info]horse_and_rider in [info]doors

Phone call to Logan W

[A few days after this.]

Ring, ring.

[info]toberuled in [info]doors

[sam a, ash d, neil d]

[sam a]

So? Recovered yet from what might be the most awkward conversation I have ever had the good grace to stand in on?

[ash d]

I see you're finding another apartment.

[neil d]

Have you talked to Sam since the awkwardness in the kitchen?