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February 4th, 2013

[info]leavethenest in [info]doors

[Over the Bat Fam + Comm]

Roll call.

[info]onerule in [info]doors

pepper p./justine s., wren m./selina k.

[locked to pepper p. & justine s.]

[It takes some time, once Luke allows him through the door, to effectively utilize the money Justine provided in order to establish a fund that, while acting as a branch of the Wayne Foundation, is also recognizably separate from it.

Thus, the Tony Stark Fund is born, providing financial assistance to the families of both deceased and critically ill victims of Ra's virus. This includes, but is not limited to, funeral services, burial arrangements, child support, and day to day expenses. True to his word, Bruce invests no money of his own, as the Wayne Foundation has separate funds established and Wayne Enterprises itself has pledged assistance to improving hospitals, medical facilities, and equipment in order to better prepare the city in the future.

The relevant information, including video of press conferences and newspaper coverage, are stored in a file sent to both Pepper and Justine via Bruce's phone. There is no accompanying message; he doesn't think one is neccessary.]

[locked to wren m. & selina k.]

[Locked to both, though he only expects Wren to reply. During the day, after Luke allows him to cross on his way back from class.]

Luke tells me you're feeling better. Apparently I have promises to make

[info]makeusweak in [info]doors

Ainslie B

[Phone call to Ainslie B]


[info]doorsanon in [info]doors

[In the small hours of the morning, towards three, a drawing appears across all the journals. It has been done in ink, and no name is associated with it, even when it appears on tablet or phone screens instead of paper. There is no text associated with the image; it appears to be a sleepless doodle in the book.]

a strange, still street beneath a mountain. )

[info]shootempolitely in [info]doors

The police officers in this place are quite useless. I do not wish to press 'one' to report a missing cat. I wish to speak to an individual about a missing purse.

I liked that bag a great deal; I don't suppose anyone has contacts within the seedy underworld that might know of a bag surfacing on the market? Dark green leather, soft. Slight scuff mark on the left-hand side. It's not worth a great deal beyond sentimentality.

[info]exuberant in [info]doors

So I said to my shrink, "You know what's a great place for a recovering alcoholic? Vegas." At first, she insisted there were better places for me. Like the Cayman Islands, or Barbados. But I insisted, and she realized her mistake with the help of an impressive check and a bottle of very expensive port.

That said, the view from this bungalow is great. I can lay in bed and watch all the pretty bunnies get some sun.

Anyone know where the good hookers are?

[info]chaoticduallife in [info]doors

[Public (anonymously), with locks to Winnie O and Dylan M]

[Winnie O]

How are you? I should have checked sooner but Olive I know I haven't been in the precinct in a while.

[Dylan M]

Still around?

[Public, anonymously]

Is there any way to stop the people on the other side from being an [...] influence?

[info]hitjackpot in [info]doors


So like are we not getting a spring break because of the power outage making us miss a month of school? Because that'll suck. I can't work on research papers without a break to look forward to.