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September 26th, 2012

[info]hitjackpot in [info]doors

adam w., public.

[locked to adam w.]
Hi, you.

How is it supposed to really feel like it's fall when it's still hitting in the 90s during the day? Pumpkin Spice Lattes at Starbucks can only do so much.

[info]author in [info]doors

Sam A.

[phone call to Sam A]


[info]trickarrow in [info]doors

Anyone else feel awkward as hell when the guy on the other side of the door settles in to watch a movie you're in?

[info]toberuled in [info]doors


I would venture a very strong wager that I could start a religious movement on this planet using only illusions, nothing more. Belief in the intangible seems to be a particularly strong trait in the denizens of this world, highly regarded, cherished above the tenets of logic and reason. If that was combined with visions of things deemed impossible, I wonder how long it would take for such an idea to infect the populace like a virus? Months? Weeks? After all, ideas spread quicker than sickness, and lay twice as many low.

[info]doorsanon in [info]doors


[A report comes in during the evening about a slew of housefires that sprung up in one of the small suburbs just outside the Las Vegas city limits. No deaths or injuries were reported, as none of the homes were occupied or even had owners, but most of the houses involved were almost completely destroyed. While any final reports have yet to come in, the police are fairly confident that this incident is an isolated case of vandalism gone wrong rather than deliberate arson, and are issuing warnings to the general public about the upcoming Halloween season's often higher crime rate.]

[info]silverandsteel in [info]doors

[Delivered to B. Banner]

[Analysis of several different kinds of fear compounds, one aerosol antidote, three or four proposed antidotes for one of the injectible violence-adrenaline compounds. Tony's given a shot toward how he might make additional compounds with similar purpose. Some of them are extremely ugly--mass murder and potential genocide ugly.

Additionally, there are several samples of blood work and more analysis paperwork, most of it transcoded to Tony's distinct 3D display style and security encoded likewise. One male sample set of data is labeled "Sergeant Smarm." An additional female one is named "Missy Whiskers." There is no explanation, but the implication is clear: second opinion, plzkthx.]
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[info]changingskin in [info]doors


[Public; Cailin B]

I can't believe it's nearly October already.  Even after almost a year here, I miss fall in Manhattan.