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September 19th, 2012

[info]abettercriminal in [info]doors


As Jonah K.

I think my cat might be psychic.

Today she successfully predicted all my craps bets.

[info]fair in [info]doors

post to lou; text to ethan

You and Sam are on the outs?

(though he doesn’t have her number, she’s sure he’ll figure it out eventually)
How’s that bok choy treating you?

[info]soundofwings in [info]doors

Tess A, Sam A

[Delivered to Tess' apartment, a flat box wrapped in brown paper. Inside is a carefully folded red dress and red underthings, everything still with its store tags. And a short note in a careful but still messy hand, on a heavy cream cardstock.]


I believe you may have been the one that picked up the receipt when we went shopping, as I cannot find it now, even after turning over my room. Please feel free to return this if you still have the receipt, or keep them for your own use. I am fairly certain everything should fit you, as we seem to be of a similar size. Nothing has been worn.

Iris Russell

[Delivered to Neil's suite at the Aria, but addressed to Sam. It arrives via the same courier, a similar box, this one containing the clothes that Sam sent to her. And another card:]


Thank you for lending me your things; it was very thoughtful of you. I have had them cleaned for you, so everything should be ready the next time you wish to wear them. I apologize for how long it took me to return everything.

Your sister,

[info]leavethenest in [info]doors

[Private to Selina K.]

I'm giving away some of your cats.

[Private to Stephanie B.]


[info]fear_incarnate in [info]doors


A new leather chair. A mahogany desk.

Who says life in Arkham can't be enjoyable?

[info]beausang in [info]doors

[locked to the huntsman]

Do you know what I find strange, Huntsman?

[info]toberuled in [info]doors

[locked to micah c]

Hello. I think we've spoken before, but you were anonymous at the time. I wanted to discuss my sister with you. Her name is Sam. Ring a bell?

[info]doorsanon in [info]doors


The evening after this takes place.

[The nightly news reports that firefighters responded to a car burning along a deserted desert road. Once they quelled the flames, they found a head and hands, sans body or teeth, burned in the car. The vehicle is registered to a Tiffani Rigby, age 22, and a somewhat recent picture of her was taken from her Facebook page. There's an APB out for her and further investigations are under way. Anyone with any information regarding the girl's whereabouts are encouraged to contact the LVPD.]

[info]the_huntress in [info]doors

[Locked to Liam R]

You around?

[info]jukejoint in [info]doors

[Tristan M]

[After this, and after not getting any answer at Tiffani's apartment.]

[Locked to Tristan M]
I should stay the fuck out Boss? [...] What the fuck happened?