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August 20th, 2012

[info]crimsonstar in [info]doors

I am thinking of going home in October for the national holiday. Anyone want to see China with me???

[Filtered post for Kitane]
I really like it if you can come with me. Do not worry about the flight...I saved lots! Have permission too from my classes to go home for a week. And when we are there my family will help us. They will be excited!

[info]handlewithcare in [info]doors

[Texts to Selina Kyle]

Fired from job -STOP-

Apartment Ransacked -STOP-

Holed up at Bat Mansion -STOP-

Cabinets full of whey protein, fridge full of green things -STOP-



[info]joinedthearmy in [info]doors


It's been brought to my attention, courtesy one Justine Sorenson, that I'm in need of a job. No matter the fact that I'm already being paid to babysit her for the rest of my existence.

Anyone know of any openings for an ex-Seal cum bodyguard?

[info]building_dreams in [info]doors

public, catwoman


I'm going to enjoy this last week before classes start again, even if I am glad I'll have something to do. Is anyone else starting up again soon?

[Private: Catwoman]

So my shrink says I need to talk to someone Haven't talked to you in a while.  Things have been [...] a little crazy. How're you doing?

[info]onerule in [info]doors

alfred p., batfam

[After Lois moves in, but before the villain madness.]

[locked to alfred p.]

We have a [...] guest staying at the Manor for the foreseeable future.

[locked to the batfam. (steph, damian, tim, and jason + selina if you want to be included.]

Lois Lane will be residing at the Manor until it's safe for her to return to Metropolis. I expect all of you to be courteous should you encounter her at any point.


Thank you.

[info]toberuled in [info]doors

[marvel door update]

[Jane Foster is missing.

She was reported as such when a passer-by noted her home in New Mexico had been broken into and called the police. Jane was nowhere to be found, but the officer found traces of chloroform on the broken glass from the door. None of her things were removed from the apartment except her cell phone, but a note was left on the floor, near the door. Written in green ink, it states simply, I told you that you would regret.

It has only been roughly four hours since she was kidnapped, but there is still no sign of her anywhere.]

[info]author in [info]doors


I never imagined how much work went into managing an opera house. It's a bit more responsibility than I was prepared for, I admit, though I will continue to do my very best.

[info]jukejoint in [info]doors

Daniel W

[Locked to Daniel W]
Would you like a game, monsieur, before I return this board to you?

[info]ex_published349 in [info]doors


Are there apartments closer to Passages than Turnberry Place?

[info]bound_by_honor in [info]doors

aubrey r

[Phone Call: Aubrey R/Theo W]

Ring, Ring

[Text: Ainslie G/Theo W]

This is Theodore Winters. I got your number from Kitane's cell phone. Have you seen her or spoken to her since last night?