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August 16th, 2012

[info]snowscar in [info]doors

[Public entry, posted as Harry Potter]

...I really shouldn't trust this journal after the last time. This time, I'm the voice in someone's head.

[adds in a shaky handwriting]
Hermione? Ron? Tell me someone's here.

[info]doorsanon in [info]doors

[After a noticeable absence, Maddie Kate Robinson bursts back onto the party circuit with a big ol' bang. The gossip sites and rags alight with pictures and videos of the young redhead doing what she does best: living it up. Drinks, men, dancing -- the whole nine yards are documented and discussed. Some speculate and state that the model was seen partaking in things harder than alcohol, but those are just theories so far. There's also word of her getting into an argument with another pretty, unidentified redhead. The only pictures of the two, however, are of Maddie Kate having what looks like an intimate moment with the other woman. All in all, MK Robinson is back, and she's clearly rearing to go.]

[info]ex_first621 in [info]doors

Adam W

[After this and this, about five in the morning, once she has gotten home.]

[Call to Adam W]
[Ring, Ring.]

[info]ceaseless in [info]doors

public, eames, cobb

Looking for anyone with a background in bioengineering, microbiology, genetic studies, biotechnology, or other related fields.

Also, anyone with military training and experience going further than basic training. Particular weapon expertise is negotiable. Preferably someone who can get through the doors intact.

[ ... ] Anyone employed by the BSAA would

[locked to eames]

You talked to someone named Azeneth a few weeks back. Something about a job for her all-American white boy.

[locked to cobb]

[after the conversation with eames.]

Guy named Eames mentioned you might need someone with a gun for your dream heists.

[info]original_snake in [info]doors

I'm going over to Passages. This boy in my head will not shut up today. I swear, if he doesn't, I'm about ready to stab myself in the eye to get him out myself. He's gone mental.

[info]fear_incarnate in [info]doors


I'm sure someone out there wants to celebrate August 16th with me.

Come on. Every round is on me!

[info]the_extractor in [info]doors

Eames; Mal

[Locked to Eames]

And where are you going to be?

[Locked to Mal]

Are you at home?
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