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August 2nd, 2012

[info]nottherobin in [info]doors

oliver c. ; jade c. ; spencer w.

[text to oliver c.]

Hey, man. How are you? You'll never beli

[locked to jade c.]

How are you holding up, beautiful? Remember Spencer He's ba

[locked to spencer w.]

I am currently working on a laundry list collection of comic books for you.

[info]fall_of_rain in [info]doors

Sam A, Jade C, Jules S, Liam R

[It's been a while since he last tried checking on people, and he's had to find Hunter in the interim.]

[Sam A.]
So you're okay then? Made me worry all for nothing?

[Jade C.]
[Picking up where they left off.] How does a pretty art thief kick you out of France?

[Jules S.]
You were right. You okay, pretty?

[Anon to Liam R.]
Meg wants to know how you're doing and I'm being greedy and not going through the door, so I figured I'd ask for her.

[info]ex_first621 in [info]doors

[Dr. Banner]

[Notes left around Dr. Banner's lab.]

[After cleaning the antiquated computers and monitors, post-its with links to The Apple Store on each one.]

[After cleaning the warehouse's small kitchenette area, there are new, unexpired tins of coffee, containers of creamer, soups and Chef Boyardee, along with a note.] I hope you weren't experimenting on the expired foods.

[After sweeping, a receipt for some cheap accent rugs, which now dot the floor.]

[After appropriating a table and chair for her own workstation in the corner, complete with an iPod doc and her laptop, and then starting to work on a labeling and storage system for his equipment, a note on the newly labeled equipment.] What are we working on?

[Lastly, a note left on top of the most used chair/workspace in the warehouse.] What do you know about Mary Jane Watson? In the future, I mean?

[info]ex_gravedigg366 in [info]doors

Some locked things.

[Locked to Zee. (No phone.)]

You want a six pack or something frozen from the store?


You see the news?

[Andrew M.]

Hey. You the guy?

[info]leavethenest in [info]doors

[Private to Wren]

I made the sale. You can pick up the money from me whenever you want. I'd rather not wire it or mail it to you.

[Private to Spencer W.]

Was that you on the forums a couple days ago? Do you have a mind bug, too?

[info]ex_published349 in [info]doors


Badminton? Really? This is news?

[Sam A./Christine]

White pawn to A4.

[This is what we use for chess, if you're curious.]

[info]runs_the_show in [info]doors

silver m

[Text: Silver M/Justine S]

I completely forgot to tell you, but Mike's here now. He's one of the ex-SEALS that look after our family. He's on the journals too but I'm not sure who he's got in his head. We're looking for an apartment too, and I think I'm going to adopt a dog. How're you?