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August 1st, 2012

[info]andcream in [info]doors

Ethan C.

[Phone call, early morning hours after this]


[info]hitjackpot in [info]doors

public ; flash t. ; peter p.


On a scale of 1 to 10, weirded out should I be by all this? I'm leaning towards a heavy 8 at least, though those memories are tipping it a little higher.

[locked to flash t.]

Hi, you.

[locked to peter p.]

Wanna talk about Las Vegas now?

[info]author in [info]doors

Sam A

[Locked to Sam A]

[Wednesday afternoon, before his appointment with Tristan.]

Just checking in on you. Let me know how you are when you have a moment.

[info]jukejoint in [info]doors

[James X, Tess A]

[After this, and about 10 minutes before "panic and call the police" time.]

[Locked to James X]
Pacing the floor?

[Locked to Tess A]
Hey, babygirl. Sorry I didn't check on you after Las Vegas mindfucked us. You ok?

[info]ex_couriersi682 in [info]doors

[ public ]

It's lonely. Maybe I should get a cat. Where can one adopt a cat around here?

[info]runs_the_show in [info]doors

thor, peggy c

[Locked: Peggy C/Pepper P]

General Carter? My name is Pepper Potts.  I hope you don't mind my reaching out to you but I believe I got a memory of yours, of Captain Rogers?

[Locked: Thor/Pepper P]

I apologize for being short with you after the memories.  They were [...] difficult to process. 

[info]building_dreams in [info]doors

aubrey r, jack r, cory h, andrew m/peggy c

[Text: Aubrey R/Bianca S]

Tell me I shouldn't open Andrew's a bottle of vodka.

[Call: Jack R/Bianca S]

Ring, Ring

[Locked: Andrew M/Peggy C/Bianca S]

Where are you?

[Locked: Cory H/Bianca S]

You're okay? Ariadne said

[info]theshoefits in [info]doors

This probably isn't going to work at all

So is it pretty well accepted that the whole memory juju involved people around here?

If so I'm looking for a little raggamuffin who probably isn't so little anymore. So uh, Merry Christmas and I hope you liked the paper and colored pencils. I can't believe I'm doing this. I must be out of my mind.

[info]toberuled in [info]doors

[locked to evan h/eames]

Still alive?
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