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May. 12th, 2016



I have a spaceship. Or, at least I will in about six to eight weeks once tests are complete.

Nov. 23rd, 2015


Aw, how I didn't miss you, HPD sweats.

[ooc; Older Scottie D!]

Nov. 3rd, 2015


For those that might have missed it, we're dealing with an Allison that's possessed by the Nogitsune. My Allison and I have been out hunting for her, and have a few minor leads but nothing major.

We successfully removed the Nogitsune from Stiles, we think we can do it again with Allison, we just need her and it alive.

Do not trust her Lydia. I am deadly serious about this part. She may hit the point of desperation where she's afraid we'll kill both the Nogitsune and Allison and while that's an option and will probably lash out and try to find a way to do it on her own.

This can explain Nogitsunes better than we have time to do, but our ultimate goal is to take her alive and bring her to a secure location - Dr. Martin's lab in Hawaii has been offered up, it's underground and has a secure room. If you're willing to help, meet us there and we'll talk, in person, about code words.

And don't believe anything you see if you start going after her, it can cause mass hallucinations.

Nov. 1st, 2015


It's not him.

I said before the smell was wrong. The smell is wrong.

I thought at first I was just confused because I spend so much time around Alex -- Alex was all I was smelling, instead of the whiskey and cigarette smell my dad usually has.

It's not Alex, though. It smells almost like him, but not.

It smells like Allison. Whatever this thing is, it smells like Allison.

Oct. 16th, 2015


my dad is here

Aug. 28th, 2015


Mimosas weren't enough, I'm going to need the hard stuff to deal with 2015 again.

All right then, who all is here? I've seen Alex and Isla, of course. Can't miss their flailing hands.

Dr. Lyle Martin, at your service.

[ooc: BP!future Lyle! Specifics in his profile.]

Aug. 20th, 2015


New best friend, sorry Stiley. )

Aug. 18th, 2015


You know, when you grow up hearing all the stories about how truly fucked up this place can be, hearing your parents, aunts, uncles, cousins... Everybody talk about how Blackpoint the Freak Show, see the reality TV shows that crop up, get stuck going to the beach BBQs and know more cops than anybody should ever actually have to meet in their lifetime...

All that?

Doesn't make this any less of a mindfuck.

Sorry mom. Moms. I don't even know, at this point.

Jul. 22nd, 2015


I still have no idea what to do with my hair or what the point of 10 fingers is, but at least I can walk without falling over. Now.


Hello, humans? I'm Tali'Zorah nar Rayya and your technology is WAY worse than I was led to believe.

Jul. 9th, 2015


Posted early this morning

Okay people, I have like ten minutes before the adrenaline wears off and I'm drooling in a chair so here you go.

The Newest Stilinski )

Jul. 8th, 2015


James, Harvey - in order to cut down on the attempted lawsuits, I administered earplugs and an instructional card, along with an apology note and description of exactly why they should be using said earplugs, to every single person in the wing.

Assorted family and pack: Suite 4 in Lenox Hill Hospital. We've got a few hours to go, so that's your prep call.

Jun. 25th, 2015


I'm pleased to announce that the NYPD Supernatural Division will be taking applications effective immediately. Experience and superpowers aren't a prerequisite for acceptance so much as a willingness to work hard and reliability at odd hours. The NYPD Supernatural Division will be working in tandem with the HPD Supernatural Division to support safer communities for all.

In addition to full-time jobs, we'll also offer several paid internships if you'd like to get your foot in the door.

To those of you who don't know me personally, I'm Sheriff Jane Stilinski from Beacon Hills, California. No powers, but I run a tight ship and expect the best out of you. If you have any questions I can try to answer them, but if they get to be too much I'm going to shove you in HR's path.

[ Filtered to Stiley ]

All right, kiddo, your impersonation of a washrag is on point. I've tried ice cream, giving you time and space, and old-fashioned snooping, and no dice. What's going on?

Jan. 28th, 2015


How do you girls do it? I just want to curl up and cry all of the time or eat my weight in sugar or sleep.

Jan. 12th, 2015


To everyone new here, hi or whatever. My name's Malia, and I like sad movies, picking all the marshmallows out of the Lucky Charms box, and chasing gulls on the beach because gulls are assholes. My hobbies include schoolwork and avoiding schoolwork because every time I think I've got math figured out they give me something new to learn with it. There's entirely too much math in this world. I'm introducing myself this way because maybe I won't screw it u

I used to be a girl and I guess I still am, but the portal put me in this body. I'm pretty used to being in a body that I'm not supposed to be in, so it's not as big a deal as it is for some. Either way I think a lot of the "girls do this" and "boys do this" stuff I keep hearing about is utter crap because from what I can see we're all just doing what we're taught, and the idea of nature-versus-nurture is sort of upsetting to me because what's the point if everything about you is already figured out? I didn't always used to feel that way but nearly getting set fire to by assassins has a way of putting things into perspective.

This got deeper than I wanted it to get. Ugh. Bye.

Dec. 29th, 2014


Really, Scottie? Magical time portal and alternate world and you didn't think to ask permission? You're grounded.

[OOC: Genderswap world Melissa McCall - Marcus Delgado! Details here, biggest thing to note is that he's a werewolf and the TW crew should know it!]

Dec. 20th, 2014


Anyone mind if I come out there for a day or two around Christmas? I'd like to make my rounds to everyone, but I know realistically I can only probably handle NYC and Hawaii.

I'd be coming alone, if anyone's wondering. Unless Ezra tags along.

I'm not making the mistake attempt that I made for Thanksgiving again, but I'll be staying in New York for a day or two. Probably right before Christmas, so I can be back in Hawaii for Christmas morning.

If I come back to one more gnome, I will maim both of you. And I know it's not just Peter, because he wouldn't risk putting one on the nightstand.

Dec. 13th, 2014


I'm a lady, I swear. )

Nov. 29th, 2014


[ TW teens and adults, minus Victor and Christina ]
So last week, I asked Alex's dad if he'd help me with control using hunter tactics, since they go through that training too. He took time to think about it, but agreed.

It may not work and may totally blow up in smoke, but I wanted to let you guys know it was happening so that you were in the loop. I'm hoping it'll give me something more to work with for my own sake, I guess. And ideally, it may help him see we're not just ravenous teeth-monsters and help those tensions too. Maybe not. Who knows. Since that part may impact more of you and he's been one of the reasons for some conflict lately, I figured I'd fill you all in.

Oct. 13th, 2014


ALRIGHT, I'm playing 'WHO IS MY PACK' a second time. Because I need to know.

[Screencap of this.]

I trust you, even if he doesn't. Just know that that's what he said and if he does anything that even SEEMS threatening, let me know?

Oct. 5th, 2014


Can I just preemptively start and sign the "I'm totally good as an orphan, no need to bring my parents here" petition? Just for the record, Portal Gods, since you've been on a TW parent kick. (Which has been great for those who got their parents here, so yay you!)

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