July 2016




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Feb. 29th, 2016


I don't know if you wanted to know or not - and I'm not telling you because you have to do anything, because you don't - but tomorrow's my birthday.

[ MOM ]
Okay, I finally told him.


Predictable is now a bad word.

[ ooc: Linz, no rush, we can backdate!! ]

Feb. 19th, 2016


left for mikkel johnson on their bed this morning before he woke up! )

left on danny's work desk that morning )

Feb. 17th, 2016


Who: Qui-Gon and Soh-Jinn
What: Awkward introductions.
Where: Garden in Hawaii
When: After this.
Warnings: None!
Status: Complete

But now he was on a weird planet without his mother but with his father. Or a version of his father who wasn’t actually his father. How strange. )

Feb. 15th, 2016


How many Lockwoods are still here? Is there a chance anyone has heard from Hiei?
Tags: ,


So who wants to attend IRCSME 2016 with me? I'll be leading a technical session in biomaterial technology on day 2, though I'm really going to hear Dr. Negin Maftouni speak about nano-micro energy harvesting from the human body. Expenses paid because my original conference partner backed out last minute. February 17th and 18th in Dubai, UAE.

Feb. 14th, 2016


Happy Valentine's Day! I appreciate you all for this community. If you're in the area, I made some treats, too.

Feb. 11th, 2016


Your fanboys and fangirls are ridiculous, Murdock. I'm going to start selling tickets to our office if they keep showing up here. "Being public is good for business." Gorram bullshit.

Feb. 9th, 2016


I don't need to be a Jedi to know this place is unsettling, but my mother would give me an earful if I wasn't polite.

Soh-Jinn Rourke, at your service. Thank you for getting me out of the ocean. You have a lovely planet.

Feb. 7th, 2016


... and now I'm selling televisions.


Bleeding edge armor, here I come. Hey, Barnes, gonna need you to test it when I'm done.


One of the goats has a scab that she did not want removed and now I have a black eye. But at least I got some iodine on it and hopefully it heals up on its own soon.


I need a big boy night out that doesn't involve farm animals. Anyone else feeling the same way?


Starfleet engineers and anyone else interested- tweaking my podracers to work as manned rovers. Requesting help.

Feb. 5th, 2016


#perfection )

Feb. 4th, 2016


Maybe I should plan a trip to Japan.

After Japan Tsunami, Taxi Drivers Picked Up Ghost Passengers Trying to Get Home

Jan. 31st, 2016


Honestly. I was in the middle of something. I thought the portal wasn't going to give us all whiplash again. It could have at least given me time to put on some pants.


Calling all kids, family, extended family, and friends - get your asses to Hawaii tomorrow. It's Daiyu's birthday and there will be cake.

Jan. 29th, 2016


Coldplay, Beyoncé, why you gotta hurt me like this? First, TSwift with her colonial hot mess of a video in Wildest Dreams, now this?

Mike, feed me ice cream until I feel better. :/

Danny, I want to take a page out of TV me's book and start a fertility clinic. Invest in me? Partner with me? :D?


Well, at least the local law enforcement doesn't seem to hold it against you when you hurt them. Sorry, officer.

[OOC: Uhhhh had this journal for over a month and forgot to do this. WHOOPS. Anyway! Laurel from the same AU as Felicity/Oliver/Tommy where Tommy was resurrected. No mind controlled Thea, aka Sara lived.]


Hey, Mean Girl, when's your next days off coming?

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