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Jan. 29th, 2016


So much for that going home idea.

Jan. 28th, 2016


There's a new man in my life and I think it's love.

» Dinner soon?


So much for all of that 'close the portal' work.

Sound off. This means you, Matt, for the love of god you had better be

Jan. 27th, 2016


So this wasn't exactly what I had in mind when I went back through the Portal.

Jan. 26th, 2016


I will be on temporarily leave, I'm not sure until when. My male counterpart agreed to step in for the administrative work, but I'm leaving Rivera in charge. I can be reached through my usual means, but try to keep it to emergencies.

Everything's fine, before any of you start to worry face me.

Okay, I'm overdue to see all of you so which one of you do I need to visit first?


Role call.

[ ooc - post-PH Future Michonne! ]


[ Filtered to Dragon Age + Friends ]

This is it. I've had enough. Blackwall isn't coming here, and to be honest I'm not sure if I'd accept his company after what he pulled, and I'm bored and I'm young and the world isn't ending so I can focus on things that are shallow. I'm giving myself permission to do so.

I want male company. I want to be told I'm pretty even when I'm covered in grime. I want to have someone to wear skimpy things for. Is this I mean, obviously I intend to keep my full responsibilities of the I Screw it You know, I don't think any of that is too much to ask. I can multitask! I have low standards! My first date with Blackwall was in a BARN for Maker's sak Hell, our armies defeated Corypheus while I was starry-eyed, I don't think wanting to go out and have a little fun is indicative of me sluffing off my destiny or title or whatever you want to call it.


PS: This is not permission for you to set me up with someone, probably. This means you, Hawke.

[ /Filter ]


Wanted to say a word as to my arrival last month. Came off as damn near uncooperative. Cooperation isn't my usual style, but you people were kind. That's worse than being stupid, back home. Figured you were having me on. I was tired anyway; dying and then being resurrected by a baby slug that used to be a friend left me not in the mood for whimsy. So, I'll save the crabby old lady act for when it's worth something.

Now I've had time left to my own devices, so let's see if I've got this right: Portal takes people from all around, brings them here, where they're fictional. No monsters roaming the streets here, but sometimes there are somethings. Superheroes, beasts that keep their head, all manner of magic. No chance of going back home, but there's always a chance of home coming here. Anything I've left out?

Jan. 25th, 2016


Might I please have a count of all Jedi and/or Jedi relatives? I suspect I'll develop an impressive headache attempting to untangle all of the Force signatures myself.

It seems that I will be irrevocably late to my philosophy seminar.


How many of
This much magic really sho
I'm still stuck at wow
Is there an

Hi, I'm Henry. Are were numbering or naming all the versions of our universe?


Well, that didn't last very long.

Jan. 23rd, 2016


Hey Jersey, how's your Romanian?

Jan. 22nd, 2016


I grow tired of this, portal. I had intended to be done with you. If I must endure your meddling, however ...

Is anyone still here who's worth knowing?


Portal, send me Raven. Not because she's better at building stuff than me, she's not, but because I need her to scare the shit out of mini me so he'll leave my projects alone.


Jan. 21st, 2016


Question. Has Blackpoint introduced the option to live as a hermit since I was here last time? Because I'm pretty sure that's the only way I am ever going to get to have some time off.

Also, I could really use a hot shower. And a bonfire. And new clothes.

Jan. 20th, 2016


Oy, Tom. Where are you? I've got Miri.

Everyone else, welcome me back to 2016?

(ooc: martha, a few years in ph future, with daughter!)


They'll close the portal, they said. Wouldn't have to worry about its tricks.

I'm too hungover to deal with this swim again.


I hate these stupid stupid stupid trailers I look so dumb klsdjfklsdjflskjdf. I'M GONNA HIT SOMEONE WITH A MALLET SCRUNCH RIGHT IN THE HEAD. WHO'S THE DIRECTOR.

Also my name's officially Harley Isley now. :D I got the paperwork and everything!


Ana I can't stand I need a bloody drink Well that was a strange experience, watching what is likely to be your future.

Jan. 19th, 2016


How do you people deal with yourselves in stereo? My head is a concerning place on a good day, I don't need to deal with several variations on the theme. I can almost understand how people might find me abrasive and I'm sorry.

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